Forget red and green foliage – this wreath looks fresh and beautiful displayed on the front door or placed above the fireplace in a festive living room.

YOU WILL NEED: Faux fir wreath, wool in shades of red, fuchsia and mustard to create pompoms, large tapestry needle, scissors, cardboard or a pompom maker.

Take cardboard and cut out a shape that looks like (and is roughly the same size as) a doughnut, including the hole in the middle. Make another exactly the same. Put your two pieces of cardboard together, then take the end of your wool and tie a knot around the two pieces. Wind your wool around the cardboard until it is fully covered (it may be easier to use a tapestry needle as the hole gets smaller.

When the hole has almost disappeared, take your scissors and start cutting through the wool at the outer edge of the doughnut. You will see the two pieces of cardboard in the middle. Pull apart the two pieces of cardboard slightly and use some of the remaining wool to tie a knot tightly around the wool in the middle of the doughnut shapes. Give yourself a good 10cm-15cm of wool trailing on either side, so you can attach your pompom to the wreath when it’s finished.

Remove the cardboard pieces on either side of the knot. Your pompom will spring into a ball shape. Carefully pull the wool into place or trim if it’s a little lopsided, and your pompom is complete.