To get started, you need to download the bunny mask in the link below, then just follow our eight simple steps for a crafty Easter-inspired crown your little one will love.

You can download the PDF of the bunny mask here
White cardboard poster-sized sheet, medium thickness (450gsm)
Mask template printed onto A4 paper
Cotton wool balls
Pink felt
Striped paper straws
Double-sided tape
Also required: pencil
How to make the mask
1 Cut out the mask template, including the eye holes, nose and ear inners.
2 With the cardboard sheet in landscape position, place mask in the centre and trace around. Extend the strap markings on the template to the edges of the cardboard with your pencil so your mask will be long enough to wrap around your child’s head.
3 Cut out the mask and eye holes (gently pierce a hole in the centre with the sharp end of your scissors and then cut around the line. Alternatively, use a scalpel on a cutting mat or chopping board). Use your nose and ear inner template to cut out a felt version. Don’t forget to do two ear inners! For a stiffer nose, glue the felt onto a small piece of cardboard before cutting out.
4 Glue the ear inners into the centre of each ear, leaving white space around it to fit cotton wool.
5 Have your child paint glue onto the rest of the mask. Gently spread apart each cotton wool ball and stick in place over mask, leaving space for the nose.
6 Cut a straw in half lengthways with scissors; discard one half. Pinch halved straw in the centre, flattening out approximately 2cm. From each end, carefully cut up the length of straw to flattened centre to create five whiskers. Use double-sided tape to stick felt nose on top of flattened centre of whiskers. Stick in place on mask with double-sided tape. Be sure to stick whiskers and nose to the cardboard of the mask, not the cotton wool or it will pull the wool off.
7 Stick a strip of double-sided tape to the end of one mask strap. Peel off backing plastic, wrap around child’s head and stick into place on other strap (be careful not to get their hair stuck).
8 Be the cutest Easter Bunny ever!