Larrikin, conservationist, snake wrangler, croc hunter, TV star, husband and dad. Steve Irwin was all of these. He may have been born in the suburbs of Melbourne, but his heart was firmly in the wild. And the wilder and more dangerous the animals, the better he seemed to like it. Sadly, on September 4, Steve Irwin, 44, was killed in a freak accident after being speared in the heart by a stingray’s barbed tail in the waters off Batt Reef, in north Queensland. In this special tribute, we remember him fondly with exclusive photographs and memories from what proved to be the final interview and photo session with The Weekly.
[Photograph by Tim Bauer]
See what Russell Crowe, Hugh Jackman, John Williamson and more have to say in our tribute to Steve Irwin, only in the October issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly, and read Steve’s final interview with The Weekly.
Watch video clips of Terri Irwin’s interview with Ray Martin and Steve Irwin’s memorial service:
Terri Irwin’sinterviewwith Ray Martin
Bindi’sfarewellto her father
Steve Irwin’s fatherspeaks
Russell Crowe’smemorial message
John Williamson’s musical tribute,True Blue
Here’s just a snippet of what our readers have had to say about Steve Irwin and the legacy he left behind:
I’m not a magazine reader, but my 11 year old daughter saw the article on Terri Irwin and asked to buy this week’s Women’s Weekly so she could read it.
She, like so many others, was strongly influenced by Steve and his effervescence for life and nature. I have recently discovered that my child has a learning disorder that is rarely found until too late.
My daughter wrote a heartfelt letter to Terri and asked me to post it. I had an opportunity to read it before it was posted and although the writing was almost illegible and the spelling almost impossible, the content was obvious. She has seen the devastating effect of Steves loss on his family and people in general. This had led her to disclose the overwhelming effect of her own recent loss of her Aunty. How she had cried for a long time, how she speaks to her in heaven and how she knows that Steve is in heaven and has an ear for Terri, her pain and her love. She tells Terri that Steve will always be listening and how she should be OK. She signs it “from an 11 year old dyslexic kid from NSW who is and always will be gentle and kind”.
I broke down and cried, finally knowing how much my sister’s death had affected my child and how the public demonstration of grief and Terri Irwin’s strength had finally given my daughter the strength to deal with her own grief.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. This article has opened up a channel for my daughter to talk about her grief now and begin to use this letter written to Terri as a tool to take her first step on the DORES program towards a cure for her learning disorder.
Lee G.
Your October issue tribute to Steve Irwin was simply beautiful! Such a wholesome, inspirational family! Thank you!
Our nine year old son’s beloved blue tongue lizard had died just days before Australia’s beloved Steve, and the only consolation I could give my boy was that his lizard was the luckiest lizard in the world, because he had one person in heaven who would truly love and care for “Big Bud” and that was Steve. The look of sheer peace and happiness on his face was priceless!
Mary V
I’ve just slept in after reading the tribute story to Steve Irwin and his family in October’s AWW. After rising to attend to my morning chores, I turned on the TV to see Steve and Terri witnessing the birthing of croc eggs, what a moment!
Steve will live on through these moments captured on film by himself and best mate John Stainton for ever.
Steve and Terri’s love for each other was clearly visible to all, this was no more evident than when Steve,Terri, Bindi and Bob were together, your beautiful pictures and words touched me deeply.
I sincerely believe that Steve’s legacy will live on through all those that Steve loved most. My very best wishes to Terri — she’s a shining example of what it takes to be a fabulous wife/partner, mother, and wildlife warrior. Terri you are just as “Tru Blu” as Steve was.
Sharon J
I was very sorry to hear of the death of Steve Irwin and felt so sorry for his beautiful family. When I saw the TV coverage of his memorial service it made me proud to be Australian.
My heart went out to his wife Terri when I watched her give an interview on TV not long after and I felt as though she should have been left alone to grieve in peace.
Does the media have any heart or feelings or are they just looking for ratings?
I only hope Terri and her family will be left alone to grieve in peace now.
I just want to say thank you Terri — you are a wonderful inspiration to us all. We have never been to Australia Zoo, but have watched many shows on TV.
Your husband Steve was an amazing person — he was so full of life and had so much energy — but after watching the interview last night on TV you have been an amazing woman behind Steve.
Our prayers are with you, Bindi and Bob, you are truly a wonderful family.
We will all miss Steve, but not nearly as much as you.
He will live in many Aussie hearts forever.
Steve was a great Aussie bloke and crikey he will be missed.
Terri, I watched your interview with Ray and was so proud of your strength and outlook on your family’s future. You are my hero, honestly you inspire me to be a better person, a better wife and better mother.
Steve would be so proud of you. You should be so proud of you.
Emily H
I’ve heard that sometimes it helps to write thoughts and feelings down to help accept and deal with things. I, like most of Australia, was very upset and shocked to hear of the death of our Steve. Millions our fair dinkum, loved you. You’re true blue, Steve, our irreplaceable croc hunter.
We will remember you,
My husband and I went for a motorbike ride to Sharks Bay, stayed overnight and then rode to Kalbarri. We decided to say hello to the manager of the local pub. When we walked in, the place was so silent and everyone in the bar was watching a large TV screen mounted on the wall. It was the news of Steve Irwin’s death that had silenced the bar. We joined the many other staring in utter disbelief. The only other times in my life I ever remember reacting to news in such a way were when Princess Diana was killed and JFK was assassinated. Such was the effect this real Aussie had on everyone’s lives all over this wonderful country and the world.
Rest in peace wildlife warrior,
I have a habit of keeping all my Weekly issues, because you never know when you’ll want to revisit an article again. Aren’t I glad that I do this? With Steve Irwin’s untimely and tragic death this week, I re-read the article by Larry Writer in your August issue, and laughed and cried along with it. Steve’s deep love for his family and his passion for wildlife were undeniable. He will be missed beyond belief. Rest in peace, Steve. You were gone too soon.
The first time I read the story ‘Irwin Inc.’ on Steve Irwin and family in your August issue, I smiled with happiness at the man who had captured the heart of our nation and that of the world. The way Steve adored his family and the passion and enthusiasm he exuded in everyday life were phenomenal.
Today, after the passing of Steve, I re-read the story and cried with much sadness at such a vibrant and amazing personality and life cut so tragically short.
My family loved Steve Irwin and his wildlife antics, his boundless energy, his love for all creatures great and small, but most of all the limitless love he had for his family.
Australia without Steve Irwin is a real tragedy and if there is one sentiment I’m sure many people would share with me it’s “Crikey, we’re gonna miss ya mate!”
It’s been a few years now since I last remember watching Steve Irwin on TV. Sadly, it’s the tragedy of his death that made me realise the type of person he really was.
There’s very few men (if any) who have beauty of spirit such as Steve Irwin had.
He should be remembered as a genuine man and a great Australian who had so much love inside him he had to share it with others. Good on ya Steve!
From one mother to another mother, a wife to another wife, my thoughts and prayers are with you and the children. We all know that you are a strong woman, but take the time to grieve and let the children know that it is ok to miss their Daddy. Your world has forever changed and the days will be hard, but with the strength of all the prayers that are being said for your family, God will help you go forward one day at a time.
Michelle L.
Our family were all great admirers of the Croc Hunter — especially our 8 year old son Mitchell. Mitchell loves the outdoors and has a huge passion for animals. Unfortunately, on September 4th, Mitchell’s little dog Rupert was hit by a car and the vet was unable to save him. The only comfort he has now is knowing that his beloved little dog is now “hanging out and having fun” with his idol Steve Irwin.
Steve’s passion will live on through our children and all Australian children. He was a fabulous role model — we should all take a lesson from his journey.
Kind Regards
Michelle D and family
Sitting here it’s really hard to put into words what Steve meant to me and to our country. I’m only 17 years old, but am a patriotic Aussie. I used to be so proud when people would ask me about Steve Irwin, the great Crocodile Hunter when travelling overseas! I was more then happy to tell them all the things i knew about him. My friends and family think that it’s strange that i want to help ALL the animals, but it just comes naturally. Steve has inspired me to further his passionate work and have no limits in what you feel passionate about. I believe in living life to the fullest, every day, and never stopping for those who try to tell you otherwise.
Terri, Bob and Bindi, i know there is nothing that can make the pain you feel any better, but i wanted to let you know that Steve’s loss has inspired me to dedicate my life to conservation and wildlife. His dedication and love for all creatures has connected with me on a whole new level. To the point where I want to take action.
I never met Steve, but it felt as if I lost a close friend. I wish you all happy and healthy lives, and with the support of each other please stay strong, and do what Steve would have wanted.
Love, Emily
The impact of Steve’s passing is such a massive loss to humanity and the world. I thought he could have single-handedly saved the lot of us. I’m so sorry for both his family and the earth.
Australia and the rest of the world are a much poorer and sadder place without Steve Irwin in it. He was amazing. Such a beautiful person and what seemed like a perfect family. It’s like losing a member of our own family. Be as strong as you can be Terri and just know that Australia and the world love you all. My children will be much worse off for not knowing this fabulous man. We will keep a picture of him on our shelf.
Jo, Mick, Alex and Anelise
It was two years ago when I first went to Australia Zoo. I had the best time that day. The highlight of my day was when Steve walked in to do the feeding show and walked right past me with the biggest smile. He looked over and said “G’Day. Hope you’re having a fantastic time!” That made my day and I will never forget it. He was a legend and will be my hero forever. I hope that one day I can be half the person he was. Be strong. He would have wanted that.
I first saw Steve when I was 13 at his parent’s zoo. I had just arrived from the USA and got to hold my first koala that day. Since that time, I’ve gotten married and ended up with 3 boys. We returned to Australia Zoo in January 2004 before we moved to Dallas, Texas.
This year, they had a career day at my son’s school and he wanted to go as Steve Irwin! He was a hit! The only one to come as a crocodile hunter.
Terri, I have thought of you often since hearing of Steve’s death. He was an amazing man, but so is his family. Thanks for all you have done and are doing. Steve’s legacy lives on and many who I have encountered are sad that such a vibrant and energetic man died so young. Hang in there!
To share your memories of Steve Irwin, send us an email at [email protected]