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How hypnosis helped me quit smoking

Hypnosis helped me quit smoking

Want to kick the habit, but don’t know where to start? We get you off on the right track.


Woman’s Day staffer Jen Goodall, 25.

Reason for quitting:

“I was noticing dry skin wrinkles, and I love running but knew smoking slowed me down. My biggest fear, though, was lung cancer, which has now overtaken breast cancer as the biggest killer of women.”

What happened:

“Sydney hypnotist Nick Terrone hypnotised me for what felt like 15 minutes – I was actually under for 45 minutes. During that time we talked about triggers that make me crave cigarettes. I quit for two days and started again. However since my second session I’ve been smoke-free for several weeks.

“Our minds work on two levels. We make decisions, think and act with our conscious mind, but the unconscious mind controls our habits. In the relaxed hypnotic state we can communicate with the unconscious mind, which is what made it so easy.”


For more information on hypnosis, visit www.quitwithnick.com.au. Or visit www.quitnow.gov.au or call the quit line: 13 78 48

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