Only one more sleep until the Love Actually reunion for Comic Relief hits our screens.
Last week we were given a very short teaser for the upcoming Love Actually sequel. The 30-second clip of Andrew Lincoln re-enacting the famous card scene left us desperate for more.
However, today, a full 60-second trailer has landed. (And yes, it’s every bit as glorious as you would expect.)
This trailer features more of your favourites including Keira Knightly, Liam Neeson, Hugh Grant and Rowan Atkinson just to name a few, plus a re-enactment of that card scene – although, with some delightful twists thrown in.
However, perhaps the most shocking reveal, is just how much Thomas Brodie-Sangster, who played young Sam in the original film, has grown.
Perhaps it’s not quite such a shock for Game Of Thrones fans, as Thomas, now 26-years old, recently starred in seasons three and four of the series, in the role of Jojen Reed.

Liam Neeson and Thomas Brodie-Sangster filming the Love Actually sequel.
On-set photos were released in February as news of the reunion first broke, showing both Liam and Thomas sitting by a river, which happens to be the exact setting where Sam first told Daniel he was falling in love with Joanna (Olivia Olson). Who, unsurprisingly, also looks a lot more grown up these days!

Feast your eyes on the video below. We bet you won’t be able to get through it without a giggle!
The full sequel is set to air tomorrow in the UK as part of Comic Relief’s Red Nose Day celebrations.