While Sam Webb, 28, is kicking goals over in Samoa as a castaway on Australian Survivor – smashing out a swim in the show’s first challenge to score his Saanapu tribe the all-important element of fire – his work ethic back home is just as impressive.
Two years ago, Sam and his friend Casey Lyons founded mental health and suicide prevention charity LIVIN when their close friend Dwayne Lally tragically took his life after a silent battle with depression and bipolar disorder.
‘I now use tragedy to inspire people in a positive way,’ tells Sam.

LIVIN has a remarkable reach thanks to the dedicated hands behind it, and even celebrities like Chris Hemsworth are supporters of the organisation, which Sam hopes he can give a major boost by winning the $500,000 prize money that’s up for grabs on the show.
‘I would without question donate part of the winnings to my charity to help us grow our message,’ Sam tells OK!. ‘This could be done hiring a full-time employee to assist me with some education and apparel projects.’