“He’s my soul mate!” Stu Laundy wins The Bachelorette

Australia, meet your newest Bachelorette couple!
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Sophie Monk has professed her undying love for Stu Laundy in an emotionally-charged finale of The Bachelorette Australia, 2017.

After months of speculation, the former Bardot songstress confirmed what we long suspected – she’d fallen head over heels in love with the millionaire publican.

“There is no doubt in my mind that Stu is the one. He’s my soul mate, I’ve fallen in love,” Sophie beamed.

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Stu is The One!

In a heartfelt declaration, the 37-year-old told the father-of-four: “Stu, I came here to do The Bachelorette because I wanted to find someone. I’m missing that one thing, I just want to find love.”

“I just want someone that loves me for me. Who understands my life in front of the cameras is just a job. I’ve been thinking a lot about what you said on our last date and you told me I’ve put you back together again. That made me so happy. You said loving me was the best thing you’ve done in a while. I don’t think anyone has ever said that to me.”

“I have two really important things to tell you. The first thing is, I’m so sorry I misjudged you when I met you. And the second thing is, I’m in love with you. So in love with you!”

An overjoyed Stu responded: “I love everything about you. You have rescued me. You’ve given me a second chance!”

“I love you so much. The moment I hopped off that chopper, I knew I’d done the right thing. I’m gonna cry. It’s so bad!”

WATCH: Stu cops grilling from Sophie’s protective sis. Post continues…

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Earlier in the evening, Stu was put through the his final hurdle – meeting Sophie’s family!

Stu was given the ultimate grilling from Sophie’s protective sister Lucy, who wasted no time laying into him over his infamous reputation.

“I have read that you’re meant to be the Playboy of Sydney?” Lucy quizzed.

“You know what I want to say? I was with one girl for 15 years and have four kids. I had a really hard break-up. And that playboy thing played out but it’s finished. If you add up what I’ve done to chase your sis, they’re not really the moves of a playboy.”

“I think the toughest question that I get regularly is this playboy image. It sort of annoys me, to be honest. ‘Cause to my friends, it’s laughable,” he added.

A nervous Stu meets the parents.

Sophie’s less-than-impressed face when her sister summoned Stu.

But Lucy wasn’t done and threw one more curve ball.

“You had four children with your wife, and obviously things didn’t work out. Why would it be different with Sophie,” Lucy quizzed.

“The thing I adore about Soph, I feel like we’re best friends already,” Stu explained of their connection, before saying he never had that same connection with his ex-wife.

After a heart-to-heart with Sophie and her parents, Stu got the tick of approval.

WATCH: Sophie Monk and Stu share a passionate kiss. Post continues…

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The pair then enjoyed one final date on a sea plane because what’s a Bachelorette finale without a little aerial action?

From the outset, Sophie flagged she wanted to “go deep” with Stu and find out what goes on in that little head of his.

But before they got deep and meaningful, they spoke about “getting deep” a lot as they snorkeled in the pristine ocean.

WATCH: Stu drops the L bomb. Post continues…

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Moments before they got deep.

After the underwater escapades, Stu was finally ready to let it all out.

“I came here for you, that’s it… I’m feeling really scared. I’m scared of embarrassing my kids. I’ve been really unhappy, but I’m not anymore,” Stu began in a teary confession of love.

“I’ve found it hard… I haven’t really talked to you about feelings and it’s hard for me because I’ve got littles [kids] out there. And I didn’t want to rush anything, I wanted just to make sure how I feel but I’m sure I’m just in love with you! Puppy love…”

“I just needed to talk to you, my littles mean the world to me but I hope they’re happy for their dad. You’ve been so good to me, you’ve put me back together somehow. This is the best thing I’ve done in a while,” Stu remarked before.

What a wild ride! Congrats Sophie and Stu, here’s to your happy future and as Soph puts it so perfectly – being able to walk down the street and go to the supermarket.

For ALL your Bachelorette goss… Including how Sophie Monk and Stu Laundy spent their first night together, click here!

Soph’s D&M with Stu was very intense.

“I’m just in love with you!”

The star was moved to tears.

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