Reality TV

A definitive list of every girl who DOESN’T win The Bachelor’s heart

When Osher Günsberg brings out the rose maths...
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When season seven of The Bachelor began, Dr Matt Agnew had a choice of twenty STUNNING girls to choose from.

From Persian goddess Sogand Mohtat to chemical engineer Chelsie McLeod and to sweet angel on this given earth, Elly Miles – each woman took Matt’s breath away.

Then, during the second episode (which we learned was a whole week after the first cocktail party) – the women left for a group date with their Bachelor, only to return to the news that eight more women had entered the mansion.

It was a tough pill to swallow for our existing Bachelorettes, because now there were more women to compete with.

After that fateful rose ceremony, a whopping SIX ladies went home and as we hurtle towards the finish line…the numbers are dwindling!

This is some super serious business…

(Source: Network Ten)

So, as Matt gets closer and closer to finding his soulmate, we present to you the definitive list of all of the women he sent home.

(Source: Network Ten)

Helena, WA

Episode 15: After convincing her to stay, Matt sent Helena Sauzier home, after feeling “tested” by the 25-year-old wellness coach.

(Source: Network Ten)

Emma, 32

EPISODE 14Emma Roche may have fallen in love with Matt, but his feelings for the fashion brand manager weren’t strong enough for him to keep her. So close, yet so far!

Elly, NSW

EPISODE 13– In the biggest shock exit in Bachelor history, 24-year-old nurse and front-runner, Elly Miles did not receive a rose. Letting her feelings for Abbie Chatfield get in the way of her connection with Matt, she was sent home. Talk about tug at the heartstrings!

(Source: Network Ten)

Kristen, QLD

EPISODE 12– “China girl” Kristen Czyszek had some seriously good chemistry with Matt but it just wasn’t enough to get her into his top five picks.

(Source: Network Ten)

Sogand, NSW

EPISODE 11– She may have received the very first kiss of the season, but Sogand Mohtat couldn’t let the house drama go and lost sight of the ONE thing she was actually there for. Matt.

(Network Ten)

Nichole, QLD

EPISODE 10 – We had such high hopes for Nichole Wood from Queensland, especially because she had SUCH high hopes for herself when it came to Matt…but alas she did not receive a rose in episode 10 and rode off into the sunset…by herself.

(Network Ten)

Mary, VIC

EPISODE 10Mary Viturino was by far the BEST commentator of the season. From “the reason Rachael’s lips are so big, is because they’re full of secrets” to literally just being a goddamn Queen, we will certainly miss her. Matt didn’t find love with her, but we’re hoping she finds all the love in the world.

(Source: Network Ten)

Nikki, NSW

EPISODE 9Nikki Freris was most famous for eating a tub of Magnum ice cream during a crisis and for getting a rose at the last second during last week’s weird “live” rose ceremony. Unfortunately, she built more of a connection with the sweet treat then she did with Matt and she did not receive a rose.

(Source: Network Ten)

Rachael, NSW

EPISODE 9 – After Matt finds out that Rachael Arahill had a “Plan B” with one of the producers, he sent her packing during the cocktail party. Rachael wasn’t upset to be leaving Matt, but had some final thoughts on the girls in the mansion.”F—ing Dogs!” she said in her final moments. Lol. Bye, Rachael.

(Source: Network Ten)

Cassandra, NSW

EPISODE 8 – Do you remember that time Matt looked at Cassandra Mamone? Neither do we, and to be honest, that’s why the NSW jewellery designer was not given a rose during the rose ceremony.

(Source: Network Ten)

Brianna, WA

EPISODE 7 – It’s no real surprise that Brianna Ferrante and Matt didn’t find true love. The 24-year-old hardly got any screen-time all season, and her alone time with Matt left a little to be desired… so when Matt decided to send her home during the first ever live rose ceremony, it was buh-bye to Brianna… and hello to the top 12.

(Source: Network Ten)

Vakoo, NSW

EPISODE 6 – Fan-favourite Vakoo Kauapirura didn’t receive a rose tonight after an awkward and somewhat giggly date with Matt. Bye, Vakoo. We’ll miss you…

(Source: Network Ten)

Monique, NSW

EPISODE 6 – After an incredibly dramatic week, Matt decided he couldn’t trust lingerie designer Monique Morleyand thought it was best that she leave the mansion…well, there goes our drama!

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Bachelor 2019: Monique gets sent home

Julia, NSW

EPISODE 5 – Even after all of the insane drama of THAT cocktail party, Matt decided to send children’s party entertainer, Julia Hyde home.

Isabelle, QLD

Episode 4Isabelle Davies had her eyes closed when she played Sleeping Beauty during her only time with Matt and subsequently wasn’t able to form any sort of relationship. She left the mansion without a rose.

Jessie, WA

Episode 3 – We’d be lying if we said we knew anything about Jessie Ashley, the executive PA from WA. Unfortunately, the 30-year-old didn’t get a rose and left the mansion.

(Network Ten)

Renee, NT

Stunning goddess Renee Barrett also didn’t didn’t get a rose tonight – which is unsurprising as we really didn’t get to know her. At all.

(Network Ten)

Jessica, 30

Episode 3 – It looks like Jessica Brody can now explore a relationship with Tommy Little now that she didn’t receive a rose.

Tara, VIC

Episode 2 – Bye 29-year-old nurse, Tara Maree. We also hardly knew ye…

Sam, VIC

Episode 2– Bye 29-year-old public servant, Sam Royce. We really didn’t even get to know ye…

Danush, VIC

Episode 2 – 34-year-old chartered accountant, Danush Deravi, may have ruffled Sogand’s feathers when she entered the mansion, but Matt only had room for ONE Persian goddess, and sent Danush home.

Georgie, QLD

Episode 2 – 32-year-old cosmetic nurse, Georgie Powell, was one of the six to leave empty handed.

Hannah, VIC

Episode 2– Even though 25-year-old social media manager, Hannah Chapman, wowed Matt with her Love Actually cards on night one, she failed to get her happily ever after when she didn’t receive a rose.

Tash, NSW

Episode 2– 24-year-old sports teacher, Tash Dowell, was one of six women to not receive a rose.

(Source: Network Ten)

Keely, QLD

Episode 1– 27-year-old textile designer, Keely Spedding did not receive a rose.

(Source: Network Ten)

Sophie, VIC

Episode 1 – 25-year-old copywriter, Sophie Oddo; who famously said: “Yeh, he seems really smart”, was sent packing.

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