Home Health Diet & Nutrition

Immune boost — now that’s something to smile about

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Did you know that Australian studies estimate that every year the flu causes 18,000 hospital admissions and 1.5 million missed work days?

With the winter months bringing more colds and flu, it’s time to address your lifestyle patterns and seek as many ways as possible to boost your immunity. Ultimately we know that a healthy diet, regular physical activity, low stress levels and a good night’s sleep are the best strategies. Let’s check out the newest immune boosting strategies, including keeping teeth healthy!

Dental health

Who would have thought that a sparkling set of teeth and gums could also protect your heart health? Interesting new research is revealing just how important oral health is in overall immunity. You see in a condition called periodontal disease your gum margin that seals the tooth is weakened and bacteria and their products cause inflammation. These bacteria can then easily enter your blood system and the infection can have a marked effect on the rest of your body, particularly the initiation of cardiovascular disease and even some cancers. So eat healthy and brush and floss twice a day.


Your digestive system or gut is another important part of your immune defense. A healthy gut acts as a guard against bacteria, pathogens and viruses entering your body. So you want to do everything in your power for inner harmony. A daily dose of live active cultures, or probiotic bacteria, like that found in Yakult drinks or Jalna yogurts help increase the numbers of friendly bacteria in your gut. In fact research has shown that probiotics can boost natural killer cell levels and activity in people with a compromised immune system.

Vitamin D

It used to be vitamin C spelt immunity, but now vitamin D is the new booster on the block. Vitamin D has effects on white blood cell function and is being investigated for its role in treating autoimmune disease. A little ray of sunshine is particularly important for the elderly in winter months as vitamin D is produced from the contact of UV sunlight on the skin. You can also increase your dietary sources of vitamin D like boosted milks and margarines, oily fish and liver.

YOUR SAY: What are your tips for a healthy immune system? Tell us below…

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