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Matty J spills his soul ahead of the premiere of The Bachelor

Cliff notes: He's a taken man, he's watching it solo, and his heart actually lies with Osher Günsberg.
Matty J



It’s been 272 days since we saw Georgia Love deny Matthew David Johnson that final rose.

Coincidentally, it’s been 272 days since we anxiously awaited Matty J to become the king of our hearts as 2017’s Bachelor.

Before we all put out our roses and prepare to fall in love with the 30-year-old, we caught up with him to find out how he was feeling and what we can expect this season…

And good golly goodness, we think it may take 272 days to really digest what he’s putting out there.


Matty J how are you feeling?

I’m pretty damn excited… I’m not going to lie!

It’s such a weird experience because you film it, and then there’s a bit of a lull and there’s a moment you forget that it’s got be on air at some point.


And then it all starts to trickle in and now the buzz couldn’t get any bigger.

How’s your mum and sister doing – are they just so excited for you?

My mum more than anybody is just so excited. She’s a teacher in Brisbane and she gets harrassed on a daily basis by the kids and teachers on who I’ve picked, what the girls are like…

Mum is having a tough time keeping it all under wraps. My mum and sister are the only two people who know what exactly happens.


In the past you’ve spoken about wanting certain qualities in your dream girl… We’re guessing the lady you’ve fallen for has all of them plus some?

Yes absolutely!

Anything in particular that you can share?

Initially, I am always drawn to someone who is confident, easy to speak to and someone who enjoys a chat. That’s always a stand out for me.


I always say that I don’t believe in love at first sight but I do believe in love at first conversation… And that conversation is so important!

In addition to that a sense of humour is something I was really looking for. I wanted to be with someone who made me laugh day in day out.

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Have you spoken to her? We’d imagine this would be such a nerve-racking time. Having your love story shared with the entire nation…


I know! I remember for myself, last year, at this point I was really nervous.

It’s a pretty unique situation – like getting used to seeing yourself on TV. When I first heard myself talk I was like ‘Oh my gosh, I sound like such an idiot!’

But this time around I feel a lot more comfortable. I think she’s really excited as well. The second time round it’s a lot less daunting.

What can expect from Wednesday night


That first night for me was a bit of blur. From memory, the main thing that stood out was that it was a lot of fun and pretty hilarious at times… And it was really full on.

Initially when the cocktail party starts , it was a little slow paced and then time started ticking away and people start to realise that it starts to get a bit competitive and people start to jump in…

It got a little chaotic [Laughs]

Matty J, The Bachelor Australia, The Bachelor

Seriously, his face needs to stop.

The Bachelor 2017

Who will win his heart?

What was the stand out and scariest moment from this season… other than finding the one?

One of the real stand out moments has to be that first night.

When I rocked up to the house, and I stepped out of the limo… Again, it was such a weird feeling of déjà vu. I was back where it all happened the year before, and then seeing Osher.


I don’t think I really knew what I was getting myself into until I was standing in front of Osher on that first night.

I knew the part I was going to dread the most was the rose ceremony. When I was on the other side [last year] I would just stand there and count the candles on the back of the room.

But now, being in charge, staring at 22 women and trying to decide who to send home… I found that so daunting and I hated it every time.

Do you get some time to decide who you’ll send home – on TV it seems like you have to do everything really quickly


Night 1 is definitely pretty punchy. You have to make some pretty quick decisions. You literally have to decide on your first impression, which is really difficult.

After that it is in your head at the end of each week even before the cocktail party starts. You are constantly thinking about it.

Matty J and Georgia Love

Thanks G. Love, for giving us this gem of a human.

Matty Johnson The Bachelor

May the odds forever be in your favour… Otherwise feel free to call us.


You moved back to Sydney to be closer to your mum and sister – but for the right woman would you move interstate for them?

I really do love Sydney. I think Sydney has everything that I love – big city, really great career opportunity , I’m right next to the beach… It ticks all the boxes.

But the thought of living interstate now, is a lot less daunting, since I’ve been here for last year and a half.

I think initially when I did get back from London, and I had been away for four years, when I touched down back in Sydney , the very thought of having to pack up and leave was a bit of a crazy one.


I would never say never to any kind of decision like that.

How is it different being on the otherside – especially being back at work? Over you’re the top topic for watercooler conversation… I’d imagine it’d be mental at your place?

It’s funny! When I first came back, the first few days in the office it was just spent talking about my experience and what it was like.

Once it was all out in the open and people couldn’t dig any deeper – the nice thing was that it all returned to normal!


I imagine when the show’s on air it will be [pauses] strange.

It’s only natural to share with your colleagues how your date went over the weekend and what’s happening in your life. To have that completely open [on TV], I feel like it will all be brought up in conversation.


We spoke to Osher and he basically professed his love for you – what was it like working together?

It was so weird at first… I was fan-girling a bit.

I grew up watching him on Australian Idol. He’s a big celebrity! Last year I was always super nervous when I saw him and that feeling was still there on night one.

But then it became really nice. I got used to his presence and we built a friendship. He’s such an amazing guy, he’s so insightful. If I ever had questions or needed to talk to somebody, he was the person.


That was probably the biggest surprise, I didn’t expect to have a friendship with Osher. I thought he’d come in, deliver a date card, be there at the rose ceremony – but he was so much more involved than I thought.

How will you be watching the first ep?

The schedule is pretty schedule so I haven’t figured out what I’m going to do but I think I want to watch it by myself.

Only because when I watched it in the past people asked so many questions and I’d be like ‘Stop asking questions, just watch the TV!’


I think that first night is the one I’m most excited to see, so I think I’ll be doing it solo.

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You’ve spoken about this before, but what’s it like being The Bachelor and being the man in charge?

Being in charge is a double-edged sword.


On the one hand I really enjoyed just being able to call the shots and decide who I wanted to date next and what I wanted to do on those dates but then there’s this huge responsibility.

And towards the end, especially, it starts to weigh on your shoulders.

But now, we’re at the best part where I can just sit back and watch it! It’s like coming back from a holiday and having someone capture every single awesome moment.

Is there a date that the viewers will love seeing?


I really enjoyed all the dates.

I think for me the best ones were those that were outdoors. I really wanted to meet someone who had the same passion for the outdoors, doing extreme things and getting the blood pumping.

The first few dates are based around that. I think they’ll be interesting to see.

And finally, could you sum up your experience in one word?



We’re so ready for this guy to be on our screens.

Head over to Now To Love for all the latest on your Bachie goss… INCLUDING a play-by-play on the premiere episode… We hear it’s gonna be wild!


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