The penultimate episode of Game of Thrones was always going to be edge-of-your-seat viewing.
Emilia Clarke did warn us about it, after all.
“Episode Five is… They’re all insane, [but] find the biggest TV you can,” she insisted on Jimmy Kimmel earlier this month.
Now we know why.
If you don’t like spoilers we suggest you stop reading NOW, because here are all the characters we lost in Season Eight Episode Five, aka “The Bells”.

He talked his way into becoming Daenerys’ adviser, and it was his chatter that cost him his life in the end. In Season Seven, Daenerys cautioned Lord Varys, “If you betray me I’ll burn you alive,” after he promised her his allegiance. Upon learning of Jon Snow’s parentage and his claim to the Irone Throne, he passed on the information, and was then executed by Dany’s last remaining dragon, Drogon.

The Iron Fleet was scorched by Drogon, however the Pirate King made it out, dragging himself to a beach, where he was confronted by Jaime Lannister. After threatening to bring Jamie’s head to his sister Cersei for one last kiss, Euron was killed at the hand of The King Slayer.

He brought with him 20,000 men and 2000 horses to fight alongside Cersei Lannister, but not even that was enough to save Harry who was brought to his demise by the Dothraki during battle.

Qyburn meets his demise while desperately trying to help Cersei escape the Red Keep which is being set alight by Daenerys and Drogon. After The Mountain, who’s escorting the pair to safety, finds himself face-to-face with The Hound, he aborts mission and focuses on a new battle – against his brother. While trying to convince The Mountain to turn his attention back to Cersei, he’s thrown into a pile of rubble and dies upon impact.

In familiar scenes, The Mountain attempted to bring The Hound to his knees by tearing out his eyes. In the end, though, The Hound took his own life when he tackled his brother out of the burning castle and into the burning streets.

He survived a dagger through the face during a brutal battle with his brother The Hound, but falling into a pit of fire, he did not.