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MAFS’ Dion Giannarelli blasts “delusional” Carolina Santos and Daniel Holmes for trying to re-enter the experiment

They had one hell of a ride on MAFS.
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After weeks of dramatic arguments and a secret affair, Carolina Santos and Dion Giannarelli have finally called it quits and departed Married at First Sight.

The pair got off to an awkward start when single mum Carolina kept businessman Dion and their guests waiting three hours at the altar following a “meltdown” over her hair and makeup.

Luckily for Carolina, Dion thought she was worth the wait and the two instantly hit it off at their nuptials, which was attended by their fellow MAFS brides and grooms.

Carolina kept Dion and their guests waiting three hours at the altar following a “meltdown” over her hair and makeup.

(Image: Nine)

Carolina, a self-confessed “diva” said she was impressed by how “patient” Dion was being with her. The couple then bonded over their shared interests, business and fashion, but also had a raw conversation over Carolina’s 16-year-old son.

But the pair’s fairytale didn’t last long, as Carolina failed to hide her disdain for her new husband, and eventually struck up a romance with fellow intruder Daniel Holmes.

Seemingly hung up on their differences, like the fact that he doesn’t go to the gym, doesn’t eat breakfast, doesn’t like the same music she does, and isn’t tall enough, Carolina admitted she doesn’t feel an attraction to Dion.

“To be quite honest with you, I would have loved nothing more than walking down that aisle and meeting the man of my dreams. And that didn’t happen,” Carolina told Dion.

Carolina and Dion got off to a great start, despite the bride taking a cheeky dig at her groom’s height.

(Image: Nine)

“I honestly feel like we are mismatched,” she added, before telling Dion he was “delusional” for trying to make things work between them – leading him to declare he was finished with the experiment.

At their second commitment ceremony, Carolina opted to leave while Dion wrote down “stay”. However, after chatting to the experts, Dion asked if he could instead depart the show, but the pair were made to continue on for another week.

After keeping it a secret for two weeks, Carolina and Daniel finally revealed their romance to the other couples and the experts during their third explosive commitment ceremony.

“We all came here for the reason to meet some undeveloped feelings and fall in love and obviously the both of us didn’t get that with who we were initially matched with,” Daniel said.

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Much to everyone’s shock Carolina and Daniel brazenly asked the experts if they can stay in the experiment as a new couple, prompting a mass walkout.

Eventually, all the couples calmed down enough to head back into the room, only to discover that the experts refused to allow Carolina and Daniel to return as a new couple.

The morning after the dramatic episode aired, Dion blasted Carolina and Daniel for requesting to re-enter the experiment as a brand new couple.

“You’ve been in the experiment for less than two minutes. And then you want to come and take someone else’s wife? Because you didn’t get your airtime,” he told NOVA’s Fitzy and Wippa on March 14.

Carolina wrote down “leave” at the latest commitment ceremony, while Dion opted to stay but later changed his mind.

(Image: Nine)

“They were obviously serious about trying to reenter the experiment, I think they’re both a little bit delusional, to be quite honest with you to think they were going to come back in and bring such a toxic environment into a group like that.”

But it seems Carolina’s newfound relationship with Daniel is thriving. In photos taken by The Wash in late February, the pair all but confirmed they’re still very much together after the show.

Photos of them that were taken on February 26 showed them kissing and holding hands at the airport, and they look every bit the loved up couple.

Daniel and Carolina are still dating post MAFS.

(Image: Nine)

The Wash claimed the two flew from Sydney, where Daniel has been staying with Carolina and her son, up to Brisbane, where Daniel was living before filming, to visit his family.

In another clip from March, the pair were holding hands as they went for a stroll, all the while they were questioned on the events after the episode.

“I don’t know why we weren’t worthy of a chance,” Carolina said. “When clearly it has happened before in the past on other seasons.”

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