Reality TV

Meet The Bachelor Locky Gilbert’s stunning ex-girlfriends

Well well well, looks like someone has a type!
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Survivor heartthrob Locky Gilbert is about to have 20-odd stunning women throwing themselves at him on the new season of The Bachelor.

But before the 30-year-old adventure guide can settle into his new role as the most coveted single man in Australia, we’re going to rake through his romantic history with a fine-tooth comb and dredge up all the petty drama from his previous relationships.

Sounds like fun? Then strap yourself in.

Locky has had two major relationships in recent years, both with women who have starred on Australian reality TV shows.

And he’s also had a cheeky little fling with a stunning single mother. Intrigued?

Keep on scrolling to meet these lovely ladies and find out what they have to say about Australia’s new Bachie.

If you’re wondering what Locky’s tatts mean, that massive phrase across his chest says “Strength And Honour”. Classic.

(Image: Channel 10)

Ex-Girlfriend #1: Locky’s Survivor co-star Brooke Jowett

Brooke and Locky had an instant connection when they first met in Fiji last year.

(Image: Channel 10)

Locky’s most recent relationship was with his Australian Survivor: All Stars co-star Brooke Jowett.

The pair had chatted a bit on Instagram before they met in person in Fiji for the first time last year, but the second they locked eyes on each other, they knew their connection was serious.

“It was instant, like, you’re my person,” Brooke, 27, told TV WEEK in March, when asked about meeting Locky for the first time on the island.

“We’d chatted a bit through Instagram beforehand – nothing crazy, just talking about travel – but I thought he was cute too. As soon as we got there, we were joined at the hip.”

The Melbourne-based personal trainer says she and Locky tried to keep their growing connection “on the downlow, but it was hard”.

“I’d think, ‘Does he like me? Or is just using me [in the game]?'” she said. “And he’s thinking the same about me!”

She added: “But really, I trusted him from the start, and it was nice to have someone who made you feel good and not miss home so much.”

The cute couple sharing a sweet moment together in Fiji.

(Image: Channel 10)

The duo helping each other through one of the show’s tough challenges.

(Image: Channel 10)

But once filming wrapped, their relationship didn’t translate into the real world, with the pair based on opposite sides of the country.

“He’s in Perth and Bali, and I’m in Melbourne. His work means he’d want me to go to him, but I won’t leave my family and my dog. I’m also really focused on my career,” Brooke said.

“It’s a lot more difficult in the real world than it was out there.”

When asked about a possible reunion between herself and Locky by TV WEEK, Brooke seemed to think it could totally be a thing.

“It’s still on the cards,” she said.

“We haven’t completely written it off, it’s just very complicated with the distance. It’s such an obstacle.”

Before he was revealed as The Bachelor, even Locky himself said pair “still talk fairly often”, he told Perth Now in February, though he confirmed, “I am single”.

While they’re both single, it seems Locky and Brooke are still entwined in each other’s lives.

(Image: Channel 10)

But it seems Brooke was totally blindsided by new former beau’s announcement that he would be dating 20-something women on national television.

Just hours before Channel 10 made the official announcement in early March, Brooke posted a loving tribute to Locky on Instagram, alongside a cute couple photo of the pair.

“Thankyou for being my ride or die and the greatest big manly blanket I could have asked for 😔❤️ @locklangilbert #survivorau,” she wrote.

Even Brooke’s Instagram followers were confused by the photo.

“So does this mean you’re going to be on The Bachelor? Because you could totally take those girls down 💪🏻💪🏻,” one fan wrote, while another asked, “Are you guys a couple?”

A third person commented: “So, now you enter the Bachelor and win his heart again and complete the love story we all want to see?”

You have to admit, they are very cute together.

(Image: Channel 10)

Brooke later admitted she was completely “blindsided” by Locky’s Bachie announcement, believing the pair still had the potential for a romantic future together.

“I was blindsided,” Brooke revealed on the Shameless podcast.

“I had these plans with him and obviously they’re not going ahead. So that’s hard to deal with,’ she said, referring to her Bali travel plans with Locky.

“I do feel screwed over. I do feel hurt, but Locky is just a small part of my story.”

When asked about his relationship with Brooke just hours after being announced as the new Bachie, Locky seemed to suggest that his romance with Brooke was a Survivor-only type of fling.

“Yeah um, Brooke’s an amazing girl, but the thing is, it was filmed like 5 months ago,” he told KIIS FM’s Kyle and Jackie O show.

“So, it was quite a while ago and on the show you just want to have that person that you can fully trust, and like, if you don’t you can kind of lose your mind out there. So, me and Brooke just connected, we had lots to talk about. I think that really helped me in the game.”

Despite the heartbreak, Brooke says she will “survive”.

(Image: Channel 10)

The good news is that Brooke has now moved on from Locky is and is happily coupled up with her new boyfriend Chris Cavanagh.

Fun fact: Chris is also a reality TV star himself, having starred on the 2013 season of My Kitchen Rules along with his cousin Sam.

Ex-Girlfriend #2: Love Island Australia S2 contestant Jordan Cayess

Jordan and Locky dated for about two years, from 2017 to 2019.

(Image: Instagram)

Before he went on Survivor for the very first time in 2017, Locky dated former Love Island Australia season 2 contestant Jordan Cayless.

The last time they were pictured together on Jordan’s Instagram was January 2019, and a few months later in October 2019, Jordan was revealed as an intruder on Love Island Australia. Locky’s last Instagram photo with Jordan was posted in December 2018.

FYI, she’s now completely moved on from Locky and is dating a personal trainer in Perth, Gerard Majda.

These two reality TV stars met at an Australia Day party.

(Image: Instagram)

One of the many loved-up couple selfies these two posted on the ‘gram.

(Image: Instagram)

It seems distance has always been a problem for Locky in his previous relationships.

In a 2017 interview with TV WEEK, Locky admitted the pair, who had been dating for a year at the time, were in a long-distance relationship.

“Our relationship has always been away from each other,” Locky said of his relationship with Jordan, revealing the pair met at an Australia Day party in their hometown of Perth.

“This year, both of us have been on seven different trips and not one has been together.”

Locky revealed that while Jordan was “secure” in their relationship, she was still concerned he’d be tempted to cheat.

“She’s a little worried about me,” he confessed on the Kyle and Jackie O show at the time.

“We watched a few Survivors together and she was like, ‘Oh no you’re going to have to cuddle people,'” Locky spilled.

“We had like a cuddling rule, like no touching at the waist and stuff.”

WATCH BELOW: Locky practises for The Bachelor on Survivor. Story continues after video.

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Well, it seems Jordan’s concerns were completely valid!

She claims Locky cheated on her while he was away overseas.

“I was at home working on our business, and I got a message from a girl on Instagram saying she was so sorry to do this, but she thought that I should know that she went home with Locky that night,” she told New Idea in August.

“I called her and spoke to her on the phone and she told me he was at a bar and she asked him several times throughout the night if he had a girlfriend and he said no. Locky still denies this. But they ended up going back to her place and they slept together twice.”

Jordan was worried about her boyfriend cheating on her, the first time he went on Survivor in 2017.

(Image: Instagram)

Jordan says she believes Locky only went on the show for the fame and publicity – and is sceptical that he has since found true love with his chosen “winner”.

“I don’t believe it. Obviously you have genuine feelings and you’re in a bubble on the show, but no, I don’t think he will end up married with kids with this person on The Bachelor,” she said.

“I saw the ad where he says, ‘I’m the type of guy to get down on one knee’ and I thought, ‘Yeah, you will – for the publicity and the ratings!'”

She even said that Locky had previously expressed a burning desire to be The Bachelor, in the hope it would “lift up” his Bali adventure business.

“I’m not surprised – dating 24 girls is like Locky’s dream come true. He’s always wanted to be the Bachelor – he’s even mentioned it to me before. He just loved girls wanting him and I’m honestly nervous for who he ends up with,” Jordan said.

“He is not on it to find love. He just wants that attention, to be that guy walking down the street who is the Bachelor. He’ll want to have that following behind him to lift up his business in Bali.”

Say cheese!

(Image: Instagram)

Ex-Girlfriend #3: Model & photographer Charlie Octavia

The stunning model and photographer has been linked to Locky recently.

(Image: Instagram)

The stunning Aussie model and photographer, who is also mother to a seven-year-old daughter, Kenzo, was linked to Locky just days before started filming the show a few months ago.

A source told Woman’s Day in March that Locky abruptly dumped Charlie before he went on the show.

“She was devastated! Getting dumped by any means is horrible, but finding out he’s The Bachelor… it was a big blow to her,” says the friend.

“She was absolutely smitten with him – they shared a really special bond… she thought he was The One.”

Well, we’ll just leave this picture of Charlie below here…

Big mistake Locky – HUGE!

The gorgeous star reportedly dated Locky weeks before he entered the Bachie mansion.

(Image: Instagram)

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