Jools Oliver has just had her fifth baby but that doesn’t mean she’s immune from nasty internet critics who are telling her how to be a better mum.
This week Jools, the wife of TV Chef Jamie Oliver, was berated online by some who thought she was promoting a ‘post-baby body’ after an Instagram post she shared about a new pair of pants.
“Finally ‘almost’ fitting into these gorgeous trousers,” the new mum said after giving birth to her fifth child, River Rocket Oliver, on August 8.
While she received some love from her followers, others were less than impressed.
“I am currently pregnant with my 2nd baby,” one disgruntled follower said. “And every minute of every day I’m scrutinising my weight. Pictures like this DO NOT HELP!”
The user added: “Shouldn’t you be more concerned with bonding with your child rather than how quickly you fit back into your jeans?”
But Jools saw the comment and hit back with a graceful comment of her own. The 41-year-old said the post was meant as a thank you to the designers who were kind enough to send her the clothes.
“Honestly it’s about the trousers!!! I didn’t even think about the weight!!!” She wrote in a reply to the post. “For god sake I still have heaps to lose… my T-shirt hides a lot.”
“The waist of the trousers is elasticated!!!! So prob would have fitted when I was 9 months pregs! As for bonding with my baby… I feel no need to address this ridiculousness.”
Many agreed with Jools’ response and were quick to rush to her defence – saying the mum of five was a great role model for women.
One commenter said: “This is what’s wrong with the world. @joolsoliver has had 5 children and if she wants to feel good about fitting into a pair of pants then what is actually wrong with that?”
Another chimed in with: “Cannot believe the negative and irrational comments some people have left on this post!! Jools whatever you’re doing keep doing it, you look amazing…”
And Jools was also backed up by her mother in-law Sally Oliver who left a comment of support to the new mum.
“Jools – there are always chippy nutters on social media, so don’t forget, a quick ‘delete’ and ‘block’ is quicker than having to defend yourself (albeit very sweetly) against some troll looking for someone to blame for their own unsatisfactory existence.”
When one commenter praised Jamie’s mum for sticking up for her kin she said she felt “incensed” when she read some of the criticisms about her “lovely daughter-in-law”.
Sally added: “To infer that she is not bonding with her new baby is beyond arrogant. She is the most wonderful mother.”
Jools and Jamie seem to be besotted with their family’s newest addition. They’ve been keen to share photos of their precious baby boy online as they, along with their older children, dot on the bub.
Here are some of our favourite photos of the Oliver clan with River Rocket so far…

This was the Instagram snap that saw one disgruntled Jools Oliver fan post an nasty critique of the mother-of-five’s parenting skills.

FIRST FAMILY PHOTO: Baby River coming out of hospital.
FIRST BATH: “Sweet little fella, 8 days old, I can never get over how small they are, his hands are as big as my thumb….he wouldn’t let go as he had his first proper bath….. All good making the most of time with the family before I go back to work soon. Big love JO X”
FIRST TIME GARDENING WITH DAD: “Hanging out with my boy in the veg patch!! As you do … big love guys, happy Thursday jamie o xx X xx”
THOSE FIRST FEW CUDDLES: “Morning Son ….. I can’t imagine I’ll ever take a better selfie, he’s so sweet. Big love guys Jox X X X X X thanks for all your good wishes I really appreciate them X x”
FIRST PHOTO: “And then this just happened guys !! IT’S A BABY BOY !! 😀 Everyone in the Oliver family is very surprised and beyond happy. He arrived safely, mum / @joolsoliver was really really amazing, unbelievably composed, natural birth and my two eldest Girls got to come in at the very end as the baby was born which was amazing to witness very very emotional. 8 lbs ( that’s 16 packs of butter for you bakers out there) anyway were all hitting the hay it’s been a long day big love… bless a little baby boy Woop Woop !!!! And love to all you mums out there how amazing you are it blows my mind …. Big love jamie o p.s no baby names yet …….”
FIRST FEED: “Little baby boy Oliver has arrived we are so very happy, blessed, grateful and totally in love all over again and so very proud of our two eldest daughters who cut the cord ❤️ Jamie was my hero 💙 (no name yet)!!! XXXX”
FIRST KICKS: “🐰💙 xxx too much! Xxx”
FIRST FEW DAYS: “@jamieoliver hacked mums Instagram account 😜 bless them both sleeping and exhausted together I can’t tell you what a wicked mum this chick is…. I had the best week off readjusting to the new family member a baby boy and I’ve loved every single minute….everyone has grown and adjusted…. Big love to all the mums out there it’s hard graft amazing. Happy weekend people and when Jools finds out I hacked her account all I can say is I love you joxxxxxxx ❤️👍🏻👠🍏🍎🍉🍌🍒🍑🌽🍠🍍🍇🍈🍅🍊🍤🍳🍓🎯”