
Eat the five super-foods

There’s plenty of evidence to show our immune systems may be compromised by lack of nutrients and stress. However, the good news is that many tasty and inexpensive foods are highly protective. Add them to your diet today!

Onions and garlic These help boost natural immunity and aid circulation. Red onions are a particularly good source of the antioxidant called quercetin, which may guard against cancer. Garlic, used as a cure-all for centuries, helps fight colds and flu, and lowers blood pressure.

Cabbage A source of phytochemicals (plant chemicals), known as glucosinalates and indoles, which reduce the risk of bowel cancer. Studies have also found that indoles reduce levels of oestrogen derivatives that stimulate breast tumours.

Tomatoes The richest dietary source of lycopene, an antioxidant which research suggests can protect against cancer. Studies have shown that people who regularly eat tomato-based foods can reduce their risk of developing cancer by up to 40 per cent or more, especially cancers of the prostate, lung and stomach.

Sardines An excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids and calcium. Omega-3s boost bone density, reduce inflammation, and keep the heart healthy. Eating oily fish is also important during pregnancy because the oils play a vital role in foetal brain development.

Brazil nuts An excellent source of selenium, an important antioxidant. A US study found that patients who took 200 mcg of selenium daily (equal to four Brazil nuts) experienced 50 per cent fewer cancer deaths than those who didn’t.

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