Reality TV

Sam Cochrane to sell Tara Pavlovic’s engagement ring in the name of charity

I hope it helps in some way!
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Sam Cochrane and Tara Pavlovic may have thought they found their happily ever after on a little island in the middle of Fiji but us reality buffs know that these TV romances rarely survive in the real world.

It had been barely a hot minute before Bachelor In Paradise’s favourite love birds called it quits.

The duo pulled the rug out from under us when they announced their engagement was over.

But voice-over artist Sam is trying to remain positive.

In a bid to move on from his romantic failings, the 31-year-old is donating his engagement ring to charity.

Sam explained his philanthropic move in an Instagram post, telling his fans that he wanted his heartbreak to lead “into something positive.”

The chosen charity is The Banksia Project, who work towards the prevention and recovery with mental illness in the male community.

Many financial wizards out there noted that giving to charity isn’t just good for your soul, but also your pockets.

The ATO explain that gifts and donations can be claimed as a tax dedecution and with the GS Diamonds sparkler believed to be worth a solid $11,000 – we hear one thing, “Cha-Ching!”

It turns Sam is a ripper of a guy, telling NowToLove exclusively that he’ll be donating the entire proceeds to the charity.

“I’ll be donating the entire amount,” the beloved Uncle told us.

“It’s really important to me that this experience is turned into something good for others in need.”

“The response from people I’ve never met and the stories of heartache and difficulties they have experienced really struck a chord with me.”

Adding, “I hope it helps in some way.”

Sam’s post in full:

The last time I held this ring there was so much electricity and hope in the air. I remember holding it and believing that I was doing something important and something that mattered.

That something was love.

After allowing time to pass and the things I’ve discovered I can see that those moments weren’t destined to last

However the overwhelming support and love I have received from you all took my breath away. Your words of encouragement and strength have been so special to me. Reading the extremely personal messages of struggles that many people have shared with me, told me it’s time to turn this into something positive.

I have decided to donate this beautiful ring to charity. This will go to auction for a charity that I believe in.

It’s time to move on and having the beauty sit in a box, when it could be be doing good for others in need. This is really important to me.

Thank you all for your words. They have been beautiful and I’ve seen them.

I needed some time to breathe it all in, and understand it all, but It’s now time to move forward and look to the future.

Thank you all, and I wish everyone happiness and love.

One step at a time.

He wouldn’t be the first reality star to sell doomed bling after a bust-up.

In 2015, Sam Frost auctioned off her engagement ring from Bachelor love rat Blake Garvey for a whopping $31,720.

Due to a 22 per cent buyer’s fee, Sam pocketed $26K and used the money to pay off her credit card and donated the rest to Beyond Blue and the National Stroke Foundation.

“The only thing I’d want to do is pay off my credit card – I constantly make payments but feel like the balance never changes,” the Home and Away star said at the time.

“And of course, make a donation to the Bondi parking inspectors, just for good measure. The rest of the money, I will only happily give to charity. It’ll be the closest I will ever get to feeling like Oprah.”

Sam Frost auctioned off her engagement ring in 2015.

While Sam is clearly trying to move on from his self-proclaimed bogan bride-no-more, his mum Rosie Wynter still has a bone to pick with Tara Pavlovic.

Tagging her son in an Instagram post, the protective mum penned:

“At the end of the day. Peace is what matters. Life and people can be cruel.”

Without naming anyone, she continued, “Those you love can betray you…but peace is the answer and so is love. To forgive is required of us all. Imagine how beautiful the world could be!”

Fans aren’t jumping to any conclusions when speculating that Rosie is talking about Tara, with Sam’s mum replying to one person’s comment that the pair are a cute couple.

She wrote, “Sadly not anymore dear girl… I can tell you there is quite a story behind it!”

Now To Love have also contacted Rosie about her oh-so-cryptic post.

Here’s hoping someone starts singing… Soon!

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