Bachelor in Paradise has certainly brought out the worst in some of its contestants this season.
And while we’ve seen some pretty bad behaviour (ahem, Bill), it pales in comparison to the way Ivan Krslovic has reacted to being “dumped” by love interest, Tenille Favios.
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On Sunday’s episode, Ivan learnt that Tenille wanted to explore something with Nathan Favro – and he was not happy, Jan!
Letting his emotions get the better of him, the dancer swore and sulked, essentially saying that he had no right because “Tenille was his”.
“Mate, what the f–k?,” Ivan said to Nathan. “I’m keen on her man.”
The behaviour was so appalling that a producer had to step in and remind Ivan that no, he wasn’t on the “Tenille and Ivan love story” show but an actual dating show where people have the right to “explore” their feelings for other people.
READ NEXT: Why the men of Bachelor In Paradise seriously need a reality check

Ivan behaved appallingly on Sunday’s episode of Bachelor in Paradise. (Source: Network Ten)
After some severe backlash on Twitter, Ivan took to his Instagram account to issue an apology.
“I would like to wholeheartedly apologise for my behaviour in Paradise,” he wrote.
“It is not a part of me that I knew was there and I’m ashamed and embarrassed watching the show back not just as a man but as a human.
“I work really hard to impact people and the world in a positive way and unfortunately I have done the exact opposite here. I was in a foreign environment with heightened emotions and I didn’t realise that past experiences would manifest within me in such a negative way.”
He then concluded with an apology to Tenille and Brittany Wolgan, who were both affected by the way he acted on the hit show.

“I would like to wholeheartedly apologise for my behaviour in Paradise…” Ivan has issued an apology for his behaviour. (Source: Instagram/@ivantheaussie)

Ivan’s post continued. (Source: Instagram/ivantheaussie)
Unfortunately, Ivan wasn’t the first to have to apologise for how he was portrayed in the show.
Paddy Colliar, the PT from Melbourne, made waves with some controversial comments about Brooke Blurton and Alex Nation, leaving fans furious.
While all of the men reacted with shock and let’s face it, excitement that they were going on a date, it was Paddy who took it just that little bit too far with his “outdated” and “misogynistic” reaction.
“Absolutely hectic, man. I’d love to be a fly on the wall between those two,” he said with a wolf whistle.
“Hopefully there’s oil and, like, massages involved.
“And we watch it back. That’s hot. That’s actually hot. You can pause live TV now, so I would LOVE to pause it on that. Mate, I’m just tellin’ it how it is. We’re all thinking it.”
WATCH NEXT: Brooke Blurton and Alex Nation kiss on Bachelor in Paradise
Story continues…
“Hey guys, I just want to take this time to obviously formally apologise for last night’s comments. I understand that it did hurt a lot of people and for that I am sorry,” he told his 24,000 Instagram followers.
“I didn’t mean anything by it at all. I have nothing against the lesbian community or the gay community, I think everyone should be treated equally.
“It was a little bit of banter between myself – obviously I’ve got no filter, we all know that and I didn’t intend to hurt anyone.”
Paddy then followed the apology by revealing some intense backlash he has received, including death threats.
“I understand what I said was hurtful but I don’t think anyone deserves those comments getting thrown at them. So I am strong minded, and I am going to shake it off. But you’ve gotta understand this is TV and everyone knows how TV works and it is heavily, heavily edited. So things may not be what they seem.
“Having nasty things said about you can really affect someone’s mentality and you know what, it can affect their life to.
“So be careful what you say about someone and who you say it to, because you never know what they’re going through.”
Paddy Colliar also had to apologise for the way he acted on BIP. (Source: Network Ten)
And then there is Bill Goldsmith – by far the most controversial cast member the show has seen in a while.
Last week, Bill took to Instagram to apologise for the way he spoke to Florence Moerenhout after being mercilessly trolled on social media.
“I’d like to wholeheartedly apologise to Florence for speaking about her like I did, no one deserves that,” he wrote.
“I was navigating my way through a range of emotions in an environment like no other on this planet.
“Every single one of us were in Fiji for our own reasons. Whether that was the experience, love, relationships, money, opportunities or business, either way, no judgement from me.”

“Happier times, lestweforget,” Bill wrote on Instagram to the horror of his fans. (Source: Instagram/billmichaelgoldsmith)
Unfortunately, Bill has continued to be, well, outrageous on his socials.
On ANZAC day, the mechanical plumber was slammed for a tone-deaf post where he wrote:
Alongside a happy, smiling couple photo of himself and fellow contestant Alex Nation, Bill penned the caption: “Happier times 🌴@bachelorinparadiseau @alexandranation lestweforget🌺.This part didn’t make the edit.”
Bill was attempting to make a joke about his failed relationship with Alex, by using the phrase “Lest We Forget”, something that should really only be used in the context of remembering service men and women who have sacrificed their lives at war.
Thankfully, Bill’s followers called him out right away.
“WTF does this pic have to do with Anzac Day? So distasteful mate,” one follower wrote.
Bill’s charming response? “The day it’s posted.”
After receiving severe backlash, Bill decided not to apologise but doubled down, refusing to retract his comment or delete his photo.
In fact, he posted a meme on his Instagram stories that seemed to indicate he felt no remorse at all.

Bill did not apologise for his tone deaf post.
Hmmm … while we can put a lot of their behaviour down to a bad edit on the show, we can’t excuse their behaviour on Instagram!