The Farmers’ mums throw a spanner in the works on Farmer Wants A Wife this week when they handpick two new girls for their sons.
And while it causes a stir among the ladies, all the Farmers are convinced that mum knows best!

And no one has a stronger mother-son relationship than Joe and his mum Dinah Coleman. “The person who would be most excited if I find love and find a wife would be my mum,” says Joe.
The reality star upended his life for his mother when she was sadly diagnosed with breast cancer.
“He left his job in Newcastle and moved home to look after me,” she says.
“He would take me to appointments, cook meals for me and made sure I was always comfortable, all while working on the farm. Joe made it possible for me to live back on the farm where I felt at home and loved, and I believe this made a huge difference in my recovery.”

Joe, 33, agrees that leaving Canberra and heading back to the family’s property in Bombala, NSW, “was a huge part of the healing process” for Dinah.
“She didn’t like the city, but she couldn’t be at the farm by herself. My mum and dad are separated. So I just said, ‘If this is going to help you, I’ll move down there with you.’ It was all about making sure she had meals, making fires and ensuring she was always warm and comfortable through that process,” he says.
While Joe didn’t hesitate to make the sacrifice, sharing, “She’s always looked after me – mums never give up or stop loving you” – he admits the move ended up helping him too.
“I’d toyed with the idea, but being back there and being back there during that time was what cemented for me that I wanted to be back on the farm.”
Joe says his mum’s illness was a huge learning curve.

“You view your parents as invincible. And then you get this realisation that they are mortal like the rest of us,” he says.
Now, as well as raising funds for cancer research and building awareness around the disease, Joe’s spending as much time as he can with Dinah – when he isn’t running the family’s cattle and sheep farm and wooing the ladies, of course!
“Joe has never been embarrassed to be hanging out with his mum and would take me to social events and get-togethers, always introducing me to people and helping me try to have fun,” beams Dinah.
“He is loving, caring and supportive, and I couldn’t be prouder of the man he has become.”