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Stars react to Sam Frost’s controversial COVID-19 vaccination video: Matt Agnew, Abbie Chatfield and Em Rusciano speak out

“I don’t want to add to the pile on.”
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Australian celebrities have had mixed reactions to a video posted by Home and Away actress Sam Frost, in which she “came out” as being unvaccinated.

The 32-year-old posted an emotional video to her Instagram page on Saturday revealing that she had made the choice not to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

In the since-deleted clip, Sam said she had “good reasons” to not get the vaccine but chose to keep them private, then called for “empathy” for people who choose to remain unvaccinated.

“I was really hesitant about doing a video or even speaking up about this sort of thing,” she said in the five-minute-long video.

“But I feel like it’s getting to a point now in the world where there’s a lot of segregation, a lot of harsh judgment, and it’s taking its toll on my mental health.”

Sam Frost appeared in a now deleted video about the COVID-19 vaccine.


Her use of the term “segregation” and vocal decision not to get vaccinated caused a wave of backlash across the internet from fans and fellow celebrities.

Sam has since deactivated her Instagram account, but not before a number of celebrities responded to her now infamous clip.

Former Bachelor stars Abbie Chatfield and Matt Agnew both spoke out against Sam’s video, claiming it spread misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccine.

Abbie took to Instagram to share her opinion, writing: “I mean, it kinda speaks for itself.

“So brave to ‘come out’ as putting yourself as an individual above your community because you listen to misinformation. Another reality star bites the dust 💋”

She later shared a video to Instagram explaining her reaction after some people accused her of “bullying” Sam off the platform.

“These people want to be victims so badly,” Abbie said, before addressing her issues with Sam’s video.

“A huge issue with her video was she said she felt segregated and like less of a human, so she’s trying to use the struggles and the oppression of people of colour in the past and currently, to use that idea of equality for her being unvaccinated.”

The 2019 Bachelor runner-up added that if Sam has a legitimate medical exemption, she wouldn’t lose any of the “privileges” afforded to fully vaccinated people in Australia.

Abbie went on to accuse Sam of “spreading anti-vax rhetoric and spreading misinformation”.

“It seems you [Sam] want to victimise yourself… you’re hurting people who do have legitimate medical exemptions,” she said.

Abbie Chatfield claimed Sam was trying to “victimise” herself.


Meanwhile, Matt Agnew shared a post claiming he didn’t want to join the “pile on” against Sam, but did want to challenge some of the claims she made in her video.

“Sam Frost has opened up with a lengthy monologue about being unvaccinated. At it’s simplest, it’s a dog whistle,” he penned.

“I don’t want to add to the pile on. What I do want to do is just discuss and challenge a few of the points that were put forward.”

The season seven Bachelor went to say that the only reason a person should “choose” not to get vaccinated against COVID-19 is if they are medically unable to.

In her video, Sam claimed that she had spoken to her doctor and psychologist before deciding against getting the jab.

She also suggested it was “none of your damn business” why she or anyone else would choose not to be vaccinated and urged vaccinated people to show the unvaccinated “empathy”.

Matt went on to say: “An appeal to show compassion and empathy was made [by Sam], while displaying none of those characteristics by choosing to put the lives of those who can not get vaccinated at risk.

“Anti-vaxxers often skip this step. You are affecting others.”

The former Bachelor also took issue with Sam’s use of the word segregation when referring to people who choose not to get vaccinated.

Former Bachelor Matt Agnew challenged the “misinformation” in Sam’s video.


“The use of the word, ‘segregation’, is inappropriate considering the historical significance of the word,” he wrote.

“It should not be used haphazardly when it carries such immense weight and meaning to others.”

He concluded his post by pointing out that people with large social media followings have a “social and moral obligation” not to spread misinformation about COVID-19.

“Misinformation is a hugely problematic issue, and the unregulated proliferation of information through people with large social media followings is a large contributor to that,” he said.

Other Aussie celebs also spoke out against Sam’s video, with The Masked Singer runner up Em Rusciano slamming the clip on Twitter.


“Sam Frost is a privileged white woman who has worked through the pandemic,” she wrote.

“Watching her tearfully speak about ‘segregation’ because she chooses not to get vaccinated and being called ‘brave’ by her followers is taking me to a level of ‘what the f–k’ I didn’t know was possible.”

Sam has since deactivated her Instagram account and chosen not to respond to the ongoing backlash against her original video.

When Now To Love reached out to Seven for comment, a spokesperson said: “Seven strongly encourages vaccination for all our people and all Seven productions strictly adhere to the public health COVID-19 safe protocols.

“All Home and Away cast and crew also undertake COVID-19 testing three times a week in addition to other preventative measures.

“Sam Frost continues to work on Home and Away and follows the safety protocols in place.”

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