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Hamish Blake shares hilarious message to congratulate Zoë Foster Blake after she sealed her whopping $89 million deal

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The Foster-Blake household is home to one seriously successful duo, who are always finding humour in any situation.

So it comes as no surprise that Zoë Foster-Blake’s latest lucrative business achievement has received the same lighthearted banter one would expect from her husband, Hamish Blake.

Zoë recently signed a jaw-dropping $89 million deal, selling her Go-To Skincare brand to the ASX-listed company BWX.

The beauty writer turned business entrepreneur has sold the controlling stake in her business, with BWX acquiring 50.1 per cent of Go-To while she retains a 24 per cent stake.

Zoë’ and Hamish are no doubt celebrating today!

(Credit: Instagram)

Of course, her husband Hamish Blake is very proud of his wife’s success.

He took to his Instagram to hilariously celebrate her big win, posting a picture of himself with a plastic structure while giving a big thumbs up to the camera.

He dedicated the beginning of his message to Zoë by expressing how impressed he is with her new achievement.

“My wiz of a wife did a huge business deal and I am, of course, as always, super impressed by her and massively proud,” he wrote.

However, the rest of his message poked fun at his own impressive achievement over the weekend – although it’s not quite a multi-million dollar investment, to be fair, not every parent may be able to pull of Hamish’s stick fort.

“ALSO, I happened to just make probably the trickiest stick fort I’ve ever made, so I guess we BOTH know what it’s like to be married to someone at the top of their game. #👍,” he said.

Speaking with The Sydney Morning Herald, Zoë opened up about her business milestone, and she admitted, “Yes, I am an entrepreneur.”

The beauty mogul shared her excitement over the new venture.

“It’s been a really big learning curve for me the last eight or so months doing the deal, I am excited and can’t wait to get back to work,” she revealed.

Zoë believes she was able to acquire such lucrative success in the beauty world thanks to her background as a beauty columnist for Cosmopolitan magazine – and the fact the Go-To is simply good.

“We are a serious skincare brand,” she told the publication. “Marketing and a good story will get you the first product purchase but it won’t get you repeat purchases.”

Go-To is reportedly valued at $177 million.

(Credit: Instagram)

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