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Celebrities who know first-hand about the power of a fringe

Actual fringe benefits.
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Chopping off the front section of your hair can be one of the most distressing decisions you’ll ever make in your life (yeah, forget about buying a house/having a baby/changing careers – they’ve got nothing on this). If you’ve been toying with the idea of getting friendly with a pair of scissors, take inspiration from celebrities who’ve been there, done that and lived to tell the tale.

Back in 2008 before Adele was belting out heartbreaking ballads regularly for packed stadiums, she was all about a chunky fringe. It was a good look for her although (call us biased) the sleeker, blonder hairstyle she’s been rocking more recently is definitely her best look to date.

To celebrate her 45th birthday on July 10, 2017, *Modern Family*’s Sofia Vergara chopped a fringe into her hair. It was the first time she’d made such a dramatic move with her hair, and ultimately she looks gorgeous either way.

Ahhhh Emma Stone, is there any look you can’t pull off? Without a fringe your piercing green eyes pop and with one they do too. Emma just has one of those faces that can make different styles and hair colours work.

In the late ’90s, Drew was the poster girl for the short front fringe and, while she looked super sweet, we have to say 2017 no-fringe Drew is even better. She has the perfect oval-shaped face and flawless skin, that just needs to be shown off.

Gwyneth Paltrow has very thin, whispy hair and a fringe is always going to be a struggle – as anyone with this hair type would agree. She’s stunning no matter what she does with her hair but if we had to chose it would be no-fringe for the win.

With her heart-shaped face (which can be a little top-heavy), Reese Witherspoon knows she suits some sort of fringe – whether that’s front or side.

Fringes can also make you look youthful (we’re talking cute here), as proven by Sienna Miller.

Um excuse us? Who is this impostor?! Without her signature fringe Zooey Deschanel looks like a completely different person.

Just when we thought Sandra Bullock couldn’t look any more amazing she went the chop late 2015 and we ate our own words.

It was only for a brief moment in time, and if you blink you would have missed it, but Cameron Diaz has quite the chunky fringe in 2012 and we reckon it’s about due for a comeback.

Who’s that girl?! Chrissy Teigen looks like a doll with her blunt-cut fringe and sleek hair. It’s almost too sensible for this slightly kooky gal.

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