
Baby beauty bloggers: Cute or creepy?

Baby beauty bloggers: Cute or creepy?

Kids have been trying to find fame on Youtube since Justin Bieber made it big in 2009, but the latest trend is raising more than a few parental eyebrows — meet the baby beauty bloggers.

Tech-savvy toddlers are jumping on the beauty pageant bandwagon, recently popularised by TV show Toddlers & Tiaras, and seeking their 15 minutes by giving video makeup tutorials to an online audience.

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Sitting in front of a webcam, these pint-sized princesses primp themselves and give a step-by-step guide to pageant preparation. And they know what they’re talking about too.

Madison’s ‘Bridal Look’ video kicks off with the five-year-old makeup guru telling us: “I’m going to show you how to do a bridal makeup look.”

She goes on to demonstrate a complete makeup job, applying foundation, eye shadow, and lipstick for her dedicated viewers, and plugging the products while she’s at it.

Madison is a seasoned beauty vlogger — video blogger — and an online sensation in her own right. One of her videos has garnered close to 750,000 hits.

In another of the videos, young Bella shows viewers how to do a “pro makeup look” applying green eyeshadow, suitable for a Christmas or Easter occasion. The five year old has obviously had some production assistance, with the video cut together to even include a blooper reel at the end.

Related: A Current Affair investigates child beauty pageants

In “Ella’s makeup training” the little girl’s mother leaves the room as she records her tutorial and coats her face with Estee Lauder and Chanel products for an audience of thousands.

While the videos are certainly popular, some are saying the practice of baby beauty blogging is inappropriate, even suggesting it encourages early sexualisation of young girls.

Elizabeth Burke is The Weekly’s youngest writer. Click here to follow her on Twitter and here to follow The Weekly.

Your say: Do you think kids’ beauty videos are cute or just inappropriate?

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