Real Life

The most memorable notes from a florist

As you order flowers for your mum's birthday have you ever wondered what the florist thinks of your note? And then wondered how many notes they laugh or swoon over? One florist reveals all.

“Congratulations on the opening of your man cave.”

Now you’d expect to hear this while eavesdropping on a couple of blokes at the pub, but seeing it written on a note beside a bunch of freshly delivered flowers?

Not so much.

It’s true though, and one of the many flower deliveries Little Flowers has facilitated from man to man since the florist opened up for business three years ago. And one of the memorable ones.

“Guys sending guys flowers has become much more common,” Little Flowers co-founder, Hans Christian tells The Weekly Online.

“We had another one, where one bloke beat another bloke in golf and sent him flowers to say sorry which was really funny.”

Little Flowers is a florist with a new age twist, but it’s fairly simple. You hop online to place your order, typing in your details, the details of the recipient, and – most importantly – the note you want to accompany the blooms.

It’s always thirty dollars a bunch. And every day the bunch of flowers is different.

“The whole concept was to encourage people to send flowers more often, for reasons other than Valentine’s Day and anniversaries,” says Christian.

“Our aim has always been to put more smiles on more faces for more reasons.”

So what notes have put smiles on their faces?

“Thank you for carrying my things all day and keeping me organised.”

This was sent from one woman to her new Kate Spade handbag.

“You will not believe how many women send flowers to themselves, but it’s the way in which they do it which is hilarious,” says Christian.

“Sometimes girls will send flowers to themselves to make someone in the office jealous.

“Often we’ll call them up and ask whether there’s a typo, but they’ll say ‘No, no, it’s just me sending flowers to myself.’”

“Just because” flowers have flourished to become the most common orders for the online florist – most with notes such as ‘buy the shoes’ and ‘you’re the avo to my toast’ sent between friends – while orders from secret admirers also regularly come through.

“A memorable one was ‘I’ll buy you flowers, even if he doesn’t’,” says Christian.

Of the thousands of men sending women flowers over the past three years there is one relationship which will always remain in the forefront of the founders’ minds.

“Over three years, their relationship went from ‘will you go out with me’ to ‘I can’t wait to move in with you’.

“Through the orders and the names, we watched them move in together and then we finally wrote the card which said, ‘thank you for saying yes’.”

But the woman without a suitor courting her – through flower deliveries – doesn’t need to miss out. She can always send them to herself “Just because”, and sign off with whatever name her heart desires.

There are a few regularly offenders popping up on the Little Flowers database. Ryan Gosling and George Clooney, of course.

“Either way,” says Christian, “a girl will get her roses.”

Two of the Little Flowers co-founders, Sarah Regan and Hans Christian.

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