‘Bridgerton Belle’ Amber Lyster often wonders if she was born in the wrong era. The 34-year-old from Perth has always been obsessed with the likes of Jane Austin, Marie Antoinette and the Duchess of Devonshire. And more recently her head’s been turned by Netflix’s Bridgerton, depicting Regency London.
“It’s my guilty pleasure,” she tells Woman’s Day. “The costumes and scenery are a real feast for the eyes. Lady Danbury is my favourite, hands down. She always slays.”

Over the years, her obsession has fuelled a dressmaking hobby. And Amber’s travelled all over the world to events in which to wear her creations.
She recently attended a costume ball at Chateau de Vaux-le-Vicomte in France, where guests dress up in period costumes and live the life of 17th-century nobles.
Amber and her partner Chris, 38, who proposed at the 2023 event, call themselves the Princess of Perth and the Duke of Downunder on their social media accounts.
“This year, my dress took about 56 hours to make. Chris’ was more difficult as there’s a lot of embroidery, so that was more like 180 hours work,” says the commercial coordinator.
Amber sources their wigs from a shop in Sweden, with each one costing around $500. But she managed to do Chris’ hat on the cheap, using something she found in Kmart!

“It’s an expensive hobby, but we plan for ages. And we both love it,” she says.
After returning from France in June, Amber was thrilled to discover an event much closer to home. Immersive Bridgerton Balls, originally held in US cities such as New York, LA and San Francisco, recently launched in Melbourne.
Naturally, Amber was quick to book tickets. “I was excited that my dress would get another outing,” she says. “Plus, I have transporting it down to an art with a custom box in carry-on dimensions!”
Then on June 9th, Amber was again the Bridgerton belle of the ball, alongside Chris and her friend Ali, 34.

The intimate fan event is billed as an immersive party experience. Therefore, it includes a cast of actors and dancers who involve the audience in the performance. The event is then concluded with the Queen selecting her “diamond” – the pick of the night.
“There were some magical locations for photos. And I loved the big throne, which fit my big dress!” Amber shares.
“The atmosphere was great. There was a large group in Regency style. Everyone made a huge effort. And they did an amazing job decorating. You forgot you were in a warehouse.”
Now it’s onto the next event, which Amber is organising herself – a Renaissance-themed wedding. “It won’t happen until 2026 because I have a lot of costumes to make for that,” she says.
For more information, visit bridgertonexperience.com.