So, here we are, poised at the second half of the year. There is so much going on astrologically between July to December 2024 that it seems like a very good time to do a check-in for each horoscope.
Here are the main events of the next six months, the dates to watch, and everything love, luck and money in your star sign…
September 2: Pluto moves into Capricorn
This is the last chance to clear out work issues and to detox wherever possible.
September 18: Full Moon eclipse in Pisces
Time for some radical forgiveness – it will change your life!
October 2: New Moon eclipse in Libra
A new start for lovers (and ex lovers) all over the world
November 2: Jupiter aligns with Chiron
Be one of those people who decides to heal an emotional upset
November 19: Pluto into Aquarius
A new cycle is starting for the world – expect tech breakthroughs and charitable change.
Mercury Retrograde – Think before you speak
Mercury is the planet which influences communication, so when it is in retrograde during the second half of the year, take care with the details of whatever you are focused on. Confusion can come up and misunderstandings, too.
It can all end up feeling rather stressful – life is wild enough without people taking things the wrong way, or feeling like you’re just being misinterpreted, agreed? However, there is a plus side to Mercury retrograde; see it as a chance for a ‘do over’ and you’ll get the best out of it. Think of it as a chance to rethink, revise, revisit, revamp and reconsider anything and everything – Mercury retrograde really does offer up second chances!
When is Mercury in retrograde July – December 2024?
Mercury retrograde begins in Virgo on August 5, 2024 and ends on August 29, 2024.
Mercury retrograde begins in Sagittarius on November 26, 2024 and ends on December 16, 2024.

March 21 – April 20
LOVE & FAMILY Expect big things in the coming six months – there’s a New Moon eclipse in your Love Zone on October 3 which can only mean one thing – expect the unexpected when it comes to love and romance between now and 2025!
WORK & MONEY You still have the planet for sudden surprises Uranus in your Money Zone so the truth is that there is still going to be a little chaos about anything to do with cash for you. Just set something aside for a rainy day and all should be okay.
LUCK You have a great blessing now – lucky and optimistic Jupiter in your Mind Zone. Look on the bright side and your life could start to fall into place!
Power dates
July 6 Channel your energy into ambitious projects.
July 16 Expect unexpected shifts or sudden opportunities, especially regarding finances.
October 4 You’re extra passionate and charming.

April 21 – May 21
LOVE & FAMILY If you’re in doubt about how loveable you are, use this six-month period to really big yourself up in terms of doing whatever it takes to bolster your self-esteem. The more you value yourself, the more others will value you too.
WORK & MONEY You have the power to really boost your bank account during this time. What you need to be careful of is expanding too fast or having too much blind faith in everything working out. Come with a plan!
YOUR LUCK On the one hand, you could be about to move into the most financially lucky time you’ve had for between six to 12 years. On the other, stay smart when it comes to cash. Financial lessons don’t need to be painful!
Power dates
July 15 Unexpected changes or revelations lead to personal breakthroughs
August 16 & 19 Challenges or obstacles may arise – be patient!
October 2 Focus on restarts in partnerships of all kinds
May 22 – June 21
LOVE & FAMILY The end of the year sees the planet of communications, Mercury, making a visit to your Love Zone, so December and into the New Year is ideal for having whichever conversations you need to with the people who matter most.
WORK & MONEY Careful! With demanding – and let’s be frank – sometimes downright depressing Saturn in your Career Zone right now, you could be so consumed with thoughts about how well you’re doing, or not doing professionally, that you’ve barely got time for what matters most – your personal life!
YOUR LUCK Since April, you’ve had the lucky planet Jupiter in your sign. Have you felt it at all? If not, then use this information now and decide that the Universe is henceforth on your side. What do you want to pull off with Lady Luck’s assistance?
Power dates
July 15 A day of insight and creative breakthroughs, ideal for unlocking hidden potential.
September 18 A critical moment for making significant decisions related to your career.
November 3 An opportune time for discussions leading to beneficial agreements, particularly around finances and shared commitments.

June 22 – July 23
LOVE & FAMILY Right now you will experience more happiness and fulfilment if you find a good balance between your home life and your ambitions. You are normally family-focused but remember, worldly success can make you smile widely too.
WORK & MONEY You could feel as though the brakes are on financially around the end of the year when push-forward Mars does a reverse cycle in one of your Money Zones. Do chase up old unpaid debts. Don’t stall money-wise.
YOUR LUCK Your fortune is in your ability to go within at the moment. That might sound vague, but the truth is that the more you look at yourself, work through fears and connect with your Higher Self via meditation, the luckier you will feel. Give it a go.
Power dates
July 20 This day brings a focus on personal reinvention and the initiation of new personal projects or identity transformations, as significant energy highlights your first house of self.
September 18 Expect revelations or culminations in areas related to education, travel, or your beliefs
October 2 A pivotal time for partnerships for this horoscope, marking a new beginning or significant development in business or personal relationships, emphasising balance and harmony in connections.

July 24 – August 23
LOVE & FAMILY You’re on the cusp of possibly the most intense love cycle you’re ever going to experience this lifetime. You may have already had a taste of it. Make sure you are not being manipulative or involved with anyone trying to manipulate you!
WORK & MONEY Work might currently feel like an endless roller-coaster but money still needs to be earned, at least for most Leos out there. If that’s the case, put your head down and be as reliable as you can be.
YOUR LUCK You have the lucky planet Jupiter in your 11th house which is the part of your chart that sees dreams come true. It’s also your social circles. If you need help with anything now, start by asking your friends.
Power dates
July 22 Creative energies and personal expression are heightened, opportunity for showcasing your talents.
September 18 Focus on financial strategies or investments, and reassessment of resources, debts, or shared assets.
October 2 Focus on health and daily routines, implement positive lifestyle changes or new work habits.
August 24 – September 23
LOVE & FAMILY With serious and sombre Saturn in your Love Zone and an eclipse there too, you’re going to be getting lots of lessons, welcome and otherwise, from the people in your life. Avoid shrugging them off. These are life lessons needed to learn to go to the next level!
WORK & MONEY You really do have amazing work stars at the moment, so try not to let the Saturn energies bombarding you get you down. Think big and aim high professionally, and you could reach some once-a-decade heady heights.
YOUR LUCK You’re particularly ‘in luck’ when it comes to your career and ambitions now. If you want to expand yourself professionally, you definitely have Lady Luck on your side, in the form of lucky Jupiter in your Career Zone.
Power dates
July 15 Healing is around private matters coming to light for resolution.
September 18 Endings could pave the way for beginnings in personal and professional partnerships.
October 2 Creativity, romance, and self-expression flourish.
September 24 – October 23
LOVE & FAMILY The second half of 2024 brings the last of the major disruptions in your home life – at least to the levels seen over the past few years. Don’t be tempted to go it alone now if someone is offering to stand by you.
WORK & MONEY The ups and downs continue thanks to the long-term presence of chaotic Uranus in your chart. Your best bet is to work for yourself – even an online side hustle would be perfect, so that you get the best of the energies. Explore your entrepreneurial side!
YOUR LUCK Luck will be on your side when you travel, especially long haul, or take a course of study. This is a time for you to widen your world view – doing so will help you to see how lucky you are and that will attract more good things to you!
Power dates
July 12 A vibrant period for self-expression and romance, encouraging Libra Rising to shine in love and creative endeavors.
August 5 A time for meticulous attention to relationships and projects, enhancing practical support and detailed expressions of affection.
October 8 Harmonious energies blend passion with action, ideal for pursuing desires in relationships, and artistic pursuits with balance and grace.

October 24 – November 22
LOVE & FAMILY Use the last six months of the year to clear out any negativity or toxicity in your family unit, including with your partner or ex. The more you do this now, the easier the next decade or two is going to be!
WORK & MONEY You have the planet of good luck and good times, Jupiter, in your Money Zone in the second half of this year. That sounds like a blessing, and it might be, but also remember that Jupiter often spends like there is no tomorrow – and there will be a tomorrow!
YOUR LUCK You really do have financial luck on your side during this six-month period. In particular, any joint ventures you enter into are blessed by the Goddess Fortuna. That doesn’t mean you don’t need to do your due diligence. Far from it. But the financial stars are on your side.
Power dates
July 6 Energies align for a productive push toward long-term ambitions, making it a great day for focused progress on challenging projects.
July 16 A day and overall period marked by unexpected developments, offering the chance for quick, decisive action that could lead to innovative breakthroughs.
October 4 A harmonious time for strengthening connections and pursuing passions with both intensity and balance, ideal for deepening relationships or artistic expression.
November 23 – December 22
LOVE & FAMILY Even though you’re in an overall quite lucky cycle, you do have some pretty tough home and family stars to deal with. Your personal life has lots of lessons to teach you, but you also have happy Jupiter giving your love life a big boost!
WORK & MONEY You’re emerging from one of the most intense financial astrology cycles possible. It’s been going for around 15 years but it’s ending now. September and October are good for forging ahead with whatever your financial goals are.
YOUR LUCK Your horoscope really has two sides to it. The lucky side is all your most important one to one relationships, including personal and professional. Now is the time to focus on the people who make you happy and the people that you make smile.
Power dates
August 15 A time ripe for expanding knowledge and exploring new horizons, encouraging broad thinking and optimism.
October 12 An excellent day for connecting with others, where shared visions and collaborative efforts can lead to meaningful progress.
December 20 A period that highlights personal growth and understanding, perfect for reflecting on your journey and planning future adventures.
December 23 – January 20
LOVE & FAMILY If you make healing your aim now, at home and in your personal life, you will be taking best advantage of the current energies. Home is definitely where your heart is right now, so don’t avoid it because you’re so tied up with achieving! Family first, even if you have to kiss and make up first.
WORK & MONEY The karmic lunar nodes are offering you a choice – are you going to take the easy way out of life and just do what’s easy and familiar, or are you going to take life and run with it? While staying stuck feels easier, ultimately, it’s not. Choose your hand.
YOUR LUCK Your challenge now is to believe in your own good luck – if you can get your head around doing that, you can actually have a good six months! Try to find at least one thing a day to be grateful for and see how that transforms things.
Power dates
July 6 A great day for making significant headway on projects, where hard work and careful planning pay off.
August 20 A pivotal time for reflection and strategic adjustments, turning challenges into stepping stones for future success.
September 30 An optimal period for focused efforts and achieving goals, thanks to a strong drive and disciplined approach.
January 21 – February 19
LOVE & FAMILY With the planet of chaos and madness in your Home Zone for another year, it’s either going to be chaotic at home, or you wish it was! Now is the right time to do things differently when it comes to love and family. Dare to think outside the proverbial!
WORK & MONEY September looks good for you work-wise and when it comes to cash. There’s a Full Moon in Money Box suggesting you have taken Saturn’s medicine and learned your lessons of the past and are ready to turn things around.
YOUR LUCK You have a big blessing in your chart this year; the lucky planet Jupiter in your Fifth House. This is great because it means that no matter what else is going on, you could be able to find a way to have some fun in your personal life, either to do with kids (your own or someone else’s), a pregnancy, a romance or a creative project.
Power dates
July 16 Expect a surge of creativity and a push towards independence, making it a prime time for breakthroughs in personal projects.
July 19 A day that brings unexpected opportunities for growth, urging you to step out of your comfort zone and explore new possibilities.
October 8 Harmonious energies encourage you to balance your individuality with connections to others, fostering both personal and collective progress.

February 20 – March 20
LOVE & FAMILY You have the lucky planet Jupiter in your Home and Family Zone so hopefully this will be a super happy time for you with anything and everything to do with your home and family. Regarding romance, Saturn is driving you so hard – you need to find the time for it!
WORK & MONEY Saturn back in Pisces for the first time in around 30 years really is dictating a lot of the energy in your chart at the moment. Work with Saturn by being a grown up, knowing your limits, working hard and being as real as you can be!
YOUR LUCK If you’re thinking about taking a little bit of a risk in your home or personal life, assess the risks very carefully. If you really think it’s worth a shot, know that you’re extra lucky for the rest of the year when it comes to home and family.
Power dates
July 12 A period of heightened intuition and creativity, encouraging deep emotional connections and artistic expression.
September 18 A significant day for spiritual growth and understanding, offering clarity on personal beliefs and inspiring compassion in relationships.
November 19 An excellent time for reflection and inner growth, where dreams feel closer to reality, and personal boundaries expand to embrace new possibilities.
Our astrologer Yasmin Boland says, “Remember to read your Rising Sign, if you know it, for a more accurate prediction.”
If you don’t know it, find it out for free at