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Why Carla Bruni rejects feminism

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Why Carla Bruni rejects feminism

Former French first lady Carla Bruni has proudly worn the titles of model, pop star, socialite, and bohemian, but don’t call her a feminist.

The 44-year-old former presidential consort has told French Vogue she doesn’t consider herself a feminist, and doesn’t see the need for feminism today. According to her, all the work was done by pioneers of generations past.

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“My generation doesn’t need feminism,” she said.

“I’m not at all an active feminist. On the contrary, I’m a bourgeois. I love family life, I love doing the same thing every day.”

A mother of two, Mrs Bruni-Sarkozy seems satisfied living comfortably in domestic bliss – she owns two homes in France serviced by permanent staff, as well as drivers and other assorted assistants to attend to her every need.

While the bourgeois life may be suited to some, Carla’s comments are unlikely to go down well with feminists and women not living with such privileges.

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She was born in to a wealthy Italian family, dropped out of college to pursue a modelling career, and quickly became one of the world’s highest paid catwalk stars. She was known to date rock stars before her 2008 marriage to Nicolas Sarkozy, and has never been media-shy.

This isn’t the first time her comments have angered the masses, she is famous for telling an interviewer, before her marriage, “monogamy bores me terribly”.

Your say: Is Carla Bruni-Sarkozy right to say feminism is no longer needed?

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