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Here’s everything you need to know about the pay gap in 2017

You might think Lisa Wilkinson’s equal pay dispute doesn’t relate to you but the gender pay gap is happening to women all over Australia.
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Women now make up 46 per cent of the workforce but you can betcha the pay gap is still alive and well.

Despite making up almost half of the workers in Australia, there is absolutely still a disparity in our salaries compared to our male counterparts.

A recent survey found there is a gender earnings gap of $123.4 billion per year. Depressingly, it keeps getting worse throughout the span of our lives.

When women embark on their career, they will be earning 11.9 per cent less than their male equivalent and this trend continues as they progress.

When Lisa Wilkinson left Channel Nine because they refused to pay her as much as Karl Stefanovic, it might’ve been hard to relate to. After all, we’re talking salaries that cost millions here.

But it’s not just a problem for high-earners like Lisa.

WATCH: Celebs react to the pay gap.

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A report by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency says women in full-time work are paid on average $27,000 less than a man.

While the annual findings say that the pay gap has narrowed by 1.6 per cent and there are more women in senior positions, those females at the executive level are being underpaid by $100,000.

WGEA Director Libby Lyons said the data highlighted persistent inequality, as well as progress.

“The data confirms gender pay gaps in favour of men in every industry and the under-representation of women in management and leadership roles,” Ms Lyons said.

“At the same time, it shows employers are stepping up to the challenge in greater numbers with proactive gender equality policies. For the first time, more than 70 per cent of employers reported they have policies in place to support gender equality.

“There’s no question we are seeing movement in the right direction, but it’s still too slow. The Agency will continue to work with employers to help them drive better workplace gender equality across their organisations.”


Asking for a pay rise has been identified as an issue for women, a recent survey finding 60 per cent of women never ask for more money, compared to 46 per cent of men that will raise the question and they will also ask for more money than women.

It’s 100% not a niche issue and women like Lisa are thankfully putting it at the forefront of people’s minds.

While some companies have started to address this huge issue – Telstra’s equal pay initiative and Commonwealth Bank’s ‘Mind the Gap’ campaign to name but a few – it’s something we have to shout about until it’s no longer an issue.

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