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South Australian fires: ‘My family home was destroyed’

One of the 16 homes lost in the South Australian bushfires belonged to Hamley Bridge farmers Luke and Judy McCabe, and was the childhood home of The Weekly's Editor-in-Chief, Helen McCabe.

One of the 16 homes lost in the South Australian bushfires belonged to Hamley Bridge farmers Luke and Judy McCabe.

The property which has been in the family for decades was gutted just minutes before Judy fled the home, leaving everything behind including Fergus the dog, who refused to get into the car.

The house was also the childhood home of The Weekly’s editor-in-chief Helen McCabe.

“We are all just relieved that everyone is safe as my parents, my other brother and seven children in total all live very close to each other,” McCabe told The Weekly Online.

“Of course it is a piece of history for the family but there were lives lost, so that is our main focus.

“I was also very pleased to see Fergus made it. I wasn’t sure for quite a while. It was confronting to see the house so it was quite nice to see Fergus still there.”

The ferocious fire has destroyed vast tracks of the farming land wiping out stock, machinery and crops which were ready for harvest.

To make a donation to the emergency services teams assisting those affected by the SA fires click here.

Footage shows the fire minutes before it reached – and destroyed – the McCabe’s home.

An incinerated header on Luke and Judy McCabe’s farm.

The family home after the fire swept through the property.

The wall of smoke, minutes before the flames reached the home.

A view from the ute of the fire approaching.

The fire burning through the property.

The McCabe’s dog, Fergus, runs around the gutted home.

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Fire hits South Australian farm

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