Local News

General Pants under fire for ‘sexist’ ad

Four women, four men – can you spot the difference between how each gender is presented?

Australian clothing store General Pants Co. has copped some major backlash following the release of its new denim ad, with many labelling it as sexist.

And we couldn’t agree more.

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In the new ad for their denim range called ‘Fit In’, the men appear fully clothed (bar one who has an open shirt), while the women appear topless.

Customers were quick to point out how overtly sexualised the women are in the campaign – which appears in a video ad and posters in store.

One person wrote on Facebook: “If this is a campaign for denim, can someone please explain why the majority of the females are either naked on their top half or in their bras?”

“The disparity between the male and female models in this ad is appalling,” another questioned.

Someone else added: “There is an imbalance in how the genders are portrayed which is negative towards women. Please remove this offensive advertisement.”

How the sexualisation of women like this is still happening today is mind-boggling and beyond frustrating, not to mention degrading.

The Weekly online has contacted General Pants Co. for comment.

See the Fit In campaign video below

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