
Bindi Irwin’s candid breastfeeding confession will strike a chord with mums everywhere

Thank you Bindi for keeping it SO real!
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It’s been nearly three months since Bindi Irwin welcomed her daughter, Grace Warrior.

And now, the proud mum is shedding new light on her breastfeeding journey – and what she has to say will strike a chord with parents everywhere.

“It’s a learning curve. You want to make sure your baby is full, and you’re learning as a new mum as well,” Bindi revealed in a new interview with People magazine.

Indeed, mastering the new skill of breastfeeding can be a challenging time for many mothers and for Bindi, she found one moment in particular extremely rewarding.

“It was the most exciting moment when she figured out how to latch properly,” the 22-year-old added.

While Bindi and Grace settle into their feeding dynamic, the mother-of-one told the publication that she believes fed is best and holds no judgement around how other parents choose to feed their baby.

“It’s so nice to have so many options now. I think that in this day and age, it’s so important as a mother to encourage other mums. Everybody has a different journey when it comes to feeding their baby and it’s so important to be supportive of everybody,” Bindi explained.

“It’s a learning curve. You want to make sure your baby is full, and you’re learning as a new mum as well.”

(Images: Instagram)

Ask any new parent and the onslaught of opinions and unconsolidated advice can be overwhelming to say the least. But for Bindi, she’s all about supporting other mums.

“As you become a mum you enter this club and it’s unlike anything else in the world and everybody has different advice and thoughts.”

“I think that as anything else, it’s just about supporting each other and being encouraging with one another because everybody has a different journey when it comes to raising their baby, especially with feeding.”

Bindi and her husband, Chandler Powell, welcomed Grace Warrior Irwin Powell on March 25.

WATCH IN THE PLAYER BELOW: Bindi Irwin dresses Grace in her first khaki outfit. Post continues below…

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The Crikey! It’s The Irwins star has previously spoken about the fact her late father, Steve Irwin, will never get to meet her baby girl.

“My dad would have been the best grandfather. I always joke that if he was still here we’d never see our baby because he’d take her on all kinds of adventures,” she told The Bump.

“I want to make sure our baby girl gets to know my dad and thankfully we have many documentaries and photos we can share with her. I think she’ll love getting to watch footage of Dad working with all kinds of animals and learning about his legacy.”

Proud new parents Bindi Irwin and Chandler Powell introduce daughter Grace to a friendly koala at Australia Zoo.

(Image: Instagram)

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