Home Health Diet & Nutrition

Breast is best — for teens, too

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The benefits of breastfeeding just keep adding up. Now, according to a study published in the spring 2009 issue of Journal of Human Capital, it seems the effects also last for considerably longer than was once thought.

Researchers examined the academic records of siblings, some of whom were breastfed as babies, and others who were bottle-fed with formula, and found a strong correlation between breast-feeding and better high school results.

They also found an increased likelihood of high school completion and university attendance for tertiary-level study in those people who were breastfed. Importantly, since this is the first such study to examine brothers and sisters, rather than the greater population, other influences such as parental intelligence and home influences could be ruled out.

Your say: Do you agree with this study? Do you think it is important to breast feed your child? Share with us below…

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