
Be calm

Try to make time for five minutes of quiet meditation and reflection every day. It stills the mind, combats stress, and mentally prepares you for what you have to do next.

Meditation exercise

  1. Sit in any position that feels comfortable and close your eyes. Keep your head upright, shoulders relaxed.

  2. Start to breathe steadily and deeply. Don’t try to influence your breathing too much – just notice it for a few minutes.

  3. Now make a deep ‘OH” sound that comes from the back of your mouth and throat. Bring the sound forwards in your mouth, opening your mouth wider, as the sound shifts into a slightly higher-pitched “AH”. Finally close your lips and hum the sound “MMM” Feel it vibrate on your lips.

  4. Repeat twice more. Take it very slowly – make the sounds as rich and vibrant as you can, and extend them for as long as you can.

  5. How do you feel now? Do you feel different in any way? With regular practice, this simple exercise can refresh and recharge you in just a few minutes.

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