Reality TV

The team that doesn’t finish on The Block revealed

Tensions are running high...
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After last night’s episode of The Block, it’s clear that one team likely won’t finish: Ankur and Sharon.

The team’s landscaper Ashley told cameras as much and said, “Even with the redesign it’s not going to get finished.”

It looks like Ankur and Sharon won’t finish…

(Credit: Nine)

“We’re just trying to finish the three elements that we’ve got to try and get it across the line for Sunday.”

Landscaping isn’t the only problem standing in Ankur and Sharon’s way. Site manager Aidan voiced concerns about Ankur and Sharon’s shed.

“I don’t think there’s been an effort put into the shed. Like we’ve almost given up,” Aidan said.

WATCH: Ankur and Sharon walk out after confronting Scott and Shelley.

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Ankur seemingly has accepted not finishing as he admitted, “I’ve basically conceded that the shed will not get done because even if we get materials right now it’s just not going to happen.”

However, Sharon is clearly upset about the prospect of not finishing. She cried while telling Aidan, “I don’t even feel comfortable with having anyone walk through here with the state of where we’re at.”

Of course, Ankur and Sharon were also hindered by Scottie, one of their tradesmen, quitting the show 16 hours before their deadline.

Scottie left The Block and said this was his last time ever on the show.

(Credit: Nine)

Ankur and Sharon repeatedly clashed with Scottie during their time on The Block this season, and obviously Scottie reached his melting point.

He said, “The big dog’s out of here,” as he left and also claimed that he might not return for new seasons of The Block.

Ankur and Sharon were extremely frustrated by Scottie leaving them but they didn’t have many options aside from cracking on with their build in the hopes that they somehow, miraculously finish on time.

WATCH: Ankur and Sharon’s home tour.

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Of course, just a week ago, Scott Cam voiced his concern that one team wouldn’t finish simply because this year’s season marked the biggest houses on the biggest properties ever tackled in the reality series’ history.

“I reckon there’s at least one team, maybe two, who won’t finish,” he said.

“As I’ve always said, I only need one team to finish to prove that it was possible to do and at least one team will finish, so I’m off the hook, but with the others it’s a matter of being realistic about what they can afford and what they can achieve.”

Sharon broke down in tears while talking about the state of their build.

(Credit: Nine)

“That’s what The Block is all about, making decisions about what is achievable in the timeframe that we’ve given with the budget that we’ve given so it is not our fault if teams have bitten off more than they can chew and they don’t finish what they want to do,” Scotty concluded.

Whether or not Ankur and Sharon do finish remains to be seen until tonight’s episode of The Block, which will air from October 31 at 7.30pm on Channel 9 and 9Now and will feature the final Room Reveals of the season.

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