She won the hearts of a nation after scoring the Big Brother crown in 2003, but when TV golden girl Reggie Sorensen sent social media into meltdown recently, she couldn’t believe how many loyal fans she really has.
“I wrote on Twitter how outraged I was that this nasty woman from the UK, Katie Hopkins, was even in the line-up for Big Brother VIP. She’s so unAustralian – thank goodness they deported her for flouting the quarantine rules!” Reggie, 47, tells Woman’s Day from her Gold Coast home.
The former fish and chip shop owner from Tasmania had been overlooked for the celebrity show, but after posting her tweet about Katie last week, Reggie was bombarded by supporters from across the world.
“I received 4442 comments – it went off! Posts like ‘Bring Back the Bird’, and ‘Bird, Bird, Bird, Bird is the word!’ popped up – my kids think it’s hilarious!” she says.

Reggie won the show in 2003 – it’s original hey-day.
(Channel Ten)Single mum Reggie admits her daughter, Mia, 14, and son Lucas, 11, who suffers from cystic fibrosis, are the main reason she’s keen for a second chance.
“If I’m lucky enough to go in, I want the kids to see their mum as being honest and caring, and not some nasty troll – and I’ve promised not to embarrass them!”
Reggie would love a chance to sit down with one of the big-name stars.
“I know Caitlyn [Jenner] and I would get on like a house on fire. She seems like a very kind person, and we can compare parenting tips!” she laughs.

Reggie would go on the show again for her kids.
(Woman’s Day)