The 2019 season of The Bachelor hasn’t even started yet, but we already have our first conspiracy theory. And it involves Mr Matt Agnew himself.
As the premiere date draws closer, fans have noticed that the 31 year-old astrophysicist looks almost completely different to the first shots taken when he was announced as the Bachelor.
Back in March, Matt was announced as the 2019 Bachelor and with his cheeky grin, PhD and glasses, he was declared the anti Nick Cummins.
The original photo was flooded with comments but if you take a look at either the Bachelor or Matt Agnew’s Instagram pages, you’ll notice that it has been deleted.
Fortunately, we saved the best ones for you.

The original Matt shot had everyone swooning.
(Image: Network Ten)Glasses never looked so good.
(Image: Network Ten)But when the first promo dropped, Matt looked rather different.
As he strode through the sea of eligible Bachelorettes, Matt had not only ditched the glasses but was sporting a much more defined jawline and had slimmed down in the face.
Watch the promo below to see for yourself. Post continues after video…
This was confirmed when the eligible scientist walked the red carpet at the TV WEEK Logie Awards and Bachie fans commented on the photo shared on the official Bachelor Instagram.
One follower wrote, “Matt looking like he has been super edited on his promo video,” while another declared, “That looks more like him they must’ve just photoshopped the promos heaps 😂”
Some pointed out that Matt had quite the glow up with one fan writing, “He’s still cute but nowhere near the promo video. Why do they do this?”
Others were completely blown away with one joking, “Ummmm…… so where’s the other bloke?”
Matt at the 2019 TV WEEK Logie Awards.
(Image: Instagram @thebachelorau)The original promo photos aren’t the only ones that have been wiped, Matt’s former Twitter account has also been disabled.
On his profile, the 31 year-old singleton described himself as a ‘Spaceman, exoplanet hunter and ice cream enthusiast” and showed one other picture of himself pre-Bachie.
Thankfully screenshots live forever.

Matt looks unrecognisable from his current snaps.
(Image: Twitter)But now our 2019 Bachie has spoken out about his transformation and strongly denied claims he’s had any work done. Turns out, he’d just put in some contact lenses, had a haircut and started working out again after hours of slaving away over his PhD.
Speaking of the rumours that he’d gone under the knife and that his glasses were fake, he joked “They’re not that creative, I kind of want to see some more outrageous ones like I’ve got a third leg or something!”

Is it the same guy?? Well, yes.
(Images: Network Ten)He’s about to be the most watched guy on Aussie screens but Matt says he’s “aware” rather than “prepared” for the media attention that surrounds his love life and changing face.
“I’m not prepared, but I guess you’ve got to just take it with humility, and it’s a flattering situation to be in. I’ve drawn attention to myself in a positive way, not – hopefully – a negative way,” he told the Sydney Morning Herald.