He came, he saw, he… loved? Married At First Sight’s Richard Sauerman officially left the experiment on Sunday night after he and his onscreen wife Andrea Thompson decided to pull the plug on their tumultuous marriage.
And now he’s back out in the wild, the unfiltered 62-year-old reveals the real reason behind their shock split.
“I can’t speak for Andie, but I tried. I think there was a deeper disconnect between us, which I’m still working out,” he says.
“MAFS is not for the faint-hearted. I knew it would be tough, I wanted the challenge, and I’m still navigating it.”
Richard reveals that while he and Andrea still “speak and text a bit”, he’s not back out on the dating scene just yet.
“I’m hiding in my safe little shell, happily,” he laughs.

While he’s still processing the experience, Richard admits he’s keen to see what doors it opens for him professionally.
“There’s no concrete idea, but I want to pivot and do more [motivational] speaking. Perhaps my MAFS profile will help with that,” he says, adding that he’s “open to other possibilities too”, such as acting.
“If I was asked to, yes, but it’s not going to happen” – and he’s even considering more reality TV! “I’ve always loved Survivor. It’s been a family favourite for many years. I can’t bear being uncomfortable though,” he laughs.

Richard became one of the most beloved characters on the show this year, known for his kooky one-liners, however if there was one thing he could take back?
“I wouldn’t have said that, ‘We kissed, we licked…’ comment at the commitment ceremony during intimacy week,” he cringes.
Perhaps more controversial are his thoughts on the experiment’s most divisive couple, Tori and Jack, who he labels “the most legitimate couple of the whole season”!
“I have always spoken up for them, and I have always hated the way others insist on dragging them down,” he says.
Richard also believes Eden and Jayden are a “great match”. “I hope they are forever,” he says.