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FWAW Spoilers: Could one comment make Todd have second thoughts about Daisy?

“It was confronting."
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New farmer Todd had an instant connection with Daisy at the speed dates. But will one thing someone says change the way he feels about her?

In Farmer Wants A Wife this week, the camping trip wraps up and the farmers and their ladies head back to the farms.

(Image: Seven)

Todd is particularly keen to show Daisy a special spot on his farm in Baan Baa in NSW. As they hold hands, looking out over the view, Todd tells Daisy that this is the spot where he’d like to get married.

“It was a bit of a big deal,” he tells TV WEEK.

Afterwards, Daisy reveals that she’s “very smitten”.

Todd says spending time on his farm with gym manager Daisy made him feel nervous and excited.

“I guess there probably could have been some feelings starting to flow in,” he says. “That was probably what was making me a bit nervous, a bit excited.”

(Image: Seven)

Todd says that he wasn’t bothered by Daisy revealing she’d been married before.

“I liked the fact that she was very upfront and open about it,” he says.

The 33-year-old farmer has suffered heartbreak in the past.

“My last relationship was about six years long and when it ended, it was hard,” he admits. “It took me a couple of years to even contemplate going back out and getting into another relationship.”

Although there’s definitely a spark  between Todd and Daisy, their budding relationship faces a possible setback on the show this week when those close to Todd share something about Daisy they think he should be aware of. Todd becomes emotional.

“It was, I guess, a bit confronting to hear,” he admits, “but I know that they’re looking after me.”

Todd says that the experience of searching for love on Farmer Wants A Wife was tougher than he thought it would be.

“I was actually surprised at how hard emotionally it was, and how vulnerable I got – but in a good way. I was in it fully,” he says.

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