Despite suffering a recent heart attack, Mac has refused to slow down. But in the gripping season finale of Home And Away, she may not be so lucky when fate strikes – twice.
In recent episodes, Mac (Emily Weir) was diagnosed with Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection – a condition that occurs when a tear forms in the wall of the heart – after collapsing at the surf club.

Mac refuses to slow down after a heart attack.
(Image: Seven)Doctor Levi (Tristan Gorey) managed to save her life, but placed her under strict instructions to rest and recover – something the businesswoman is not used to.
“Mac is grateful for him and his expertise in saving her life,” Emily tells TV WEEK of Mac’s burgeoning friendship with Levi.
“She respects him for his knowledge and professionalism.”
Later, Mac urges paramedic friend Xander (Luke Van Os) to sneak a peek at her chart. His buoyed optimism encourages Mac to discharge herself from hospital, which prompts Levi to rail at Xander for giving her false hope.

Doctor Levi (Tristan Gorey) managed to save her life.
(Image: Seven)“SCAD can slow or block blood flow to the heart, causing a heart attack, heart rhythm problems or sudden death,” Emily explains. “It mostly affects women and can occur at any stage of life. The cause of it is still unknown, so it causes Mac a lot of stress.”
During the night, paranoia strikes. Mac feels herself spiralling and calls out for Tane (Ethan Browne). He rushes out of his room as Mac clutches at her chest – it’s happening again.
Levi assesses her condition at the hospital, concluding it was a panic attack. But when he advises Mac to stay, she declines and heads home.

Mac survived one heart attack, but can she really survive two?
(Image: Seven)The following morning, Levi prepares to end his shift when Mac is rushed in on a gurney with Xander following in hot pursuit – “We need help!” he cries.
Levi preps Mac for emergency treatment and promises to do all he can as Mac’s friends gather at the hospital. But inside, the doctor fears the worst – Mac survived one heart attack, but can she really survive two?