Proud parents Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie enjoyed a very cute shopping trip with their youngest kids, twins Knox and Vivienne.
The Hollywood stars decided to have a fun play date with the seven-year-old siblings, taking them to book shop Barnes and Nobles in New York City.
It looked like the kids were stocking up on lots of literary goodies with the group walking out with loads of book.
Born in the city of Nice, France, back on July 12th, 2008, the twins have certainly grown up these last few years. The recent outing showed how tall the pair are, with both coming up to their parents’ waist.
In past interviews, Angelina revealed that out of all of their children, Knox is the most like Brad – personality-wise, while Vivienne is the most girly of all three of her daughters, and “she absolutely loves all things pink and princess-y!”
Fittingly, the pretty blonde played a young Princess Aurora beside her famous mum in Angelina’s film, Maleficent.
“It had to be Viv,” the actress told Entertainment Weekly.
“The other three and four-year-old [actors] wouldn’t come near me. It had to be a child that liked me and wasn’t afraid of my horns and my eyes and my claws.”
While young Viv has enjoyed acting with her mum, Knox shares similar interests with Brad (he also enjoys being a little prankster!)
Back in August, they enjoyed a special father-son bonding session at the MotoGP British Grand Prix where their striking resemblance was hard not to notice.
Click through to check out the lovely Jolie-Pitt family day out

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt took a breather out of their busy schedules to enjoy a shopping date at New York bookstore, Barnes and Noble, with their twins, Knox and Vivienne, both seven.

The adorable duo have really grown up these past few years.

Born in the city of Nice, France, in 2008, the twins made their debut on the cover of People.

Knox and Vivienne are the youngest of the Jolie-Pitt clan, which is made up of six children.

The doting mum and dad can’t hide their smiles when it comes to their children. When they were just 14 months old, Brad and Angie took them to Jordan as she embarked on UN ambassador duties.
Angelina Jolie gives moving speech at Kids Choice Awards

Genetically blessed, the blondies are the perfect combination of their stunning parents.

Little Viv shares many similarities to her mother, including her famous bee-stung lips, doe eyes and full cheeks.

Making her mark on the big screen! The pretty blonde played a young Princess Aurora beside her famous mum in Angelina’s film, Maleficent.

While young Viv has enjoyed acting with her mum, Knox shares similar interests with Brad. They enjoyed a special father-son bonding session at the MotoGP British Grand Prix back in August.

What a difference one year makes! Back in 2013 (L) with Brad and then in June 2014 (R) their growth spurt has kicked in.

The sweet darlings bring such a smile to Angelina’s face!