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15 simple ways to boost your mood

Feeling low? Try these simple and cheap strategies to boost your mood. Some are quick fixes, others are long-term habits worth maintaining
Extremely happy woman waving her arms in the arms dancing and listening to music
Crank it up! Listening to upbeat music is known to boost your mood
Adobe Stock

1. Move it, move it

Any form of exercise releases endorphins (the feel-good chemicals) into your body, which can boost your mood. Plus, it can help distract you from negative thought patterns.


2. Plan something really fun

Having something to look forward to may help boost your mood, so pull out your calendar and start planning a social event or holiday with friends or family.

3. Write about it

You don’t have to be ‘good’ at writing to get the benefits of writing down your troubles. Science proves that regularly spending as little as 15 minutes scribbling down your feelings can help

you feel a little lighter.

4. Eat dark chocolate

It’s true – chocolate is scientifically proven to boost your mood, but only if you’re choosing the dark variety with a high cocoa content. Research shows eating 85 per cent cocoa chocolate can reduce negative emotions.

We're not going to say no to dark chocolate - delicious and boosts your mood!
Delicious and a way to boost your mood – yes please!

5. Wear your favourite outfit

You probably figured out during lockdown that putting on clothing that you really love makes a difference to your mood. So, reach for your favourite outfit next time you need a mood boost – even if you’re not leaving the house.

6. Do a random act of kindness

Doing something kind for another person can help you feel more positive. Why not offer to mow your neighbour’s lawn, volunteer for a new community project or bake a cake for a friend?

7. Look at old photos

Reminiscing as you look over pictures of family gatherings or old holidays can bring happy memories, and remind you of the great friendships and experiences in your life.

Happy woman looking at nostalgic photos - proven to boost your mood
This fave pastime is sure to boost your mood

8. Reduce time online

We all love the feeling of being connected, but spending lots of time on your phone may not be doing you any favours. Research shows that people who reduced time on their phone by just one hour a day started to feel better about their lives.

9. Try gratitude

Being grateful for the things that are going well in your life is proven to make a difference to your mood. You could write a list of what you’re grateful for – think: the sound of your child’s laughter, or the taste of your favourite ice-cream.

10. Play upbeat music

Music has a huge impact on our mood, so if you’re feeling low, play some tunes you dig. Speaking of music…


11. Sing it out

Step aside, Adele! Singing can release feel-good chemicals in the body, so if you’re feeling flat, crank up Spotify and channel your inner diva (with the windows and doors closed, if you’re self-conscious!).

12. Talk to someone

Phone your bestie, stat. Talking to people you trust can help you gain perspective and feel a bit better. And if you’ve been feeling low for more than two weeks, or your mood is affecting how you cope at work or home, please talk to your GP, or call Lifeline for support.

Chatting to a friend can lift a low mood
Hello, is that my serotonin rising?

13. Do something useful

Even if it’s just a load of laundry or preparing your evening meal, doing something important or necessary will give you a small sense of achievement, which can make a difference.


14. Watch something funny online

There’s a reason we love to laugh – it reduces our stress levels. So why not watch a performance by your favourite comedian on YouTube to boost your mood instantly?

15. Go for a walk

Ever noticed how much better you feel when you’ve been walking outside? Science proves that spending time in nature helps you relax. If it’s a sunny day, even better – sunshine helps improve mood, too.

Walking with friends or your dogs, or while listening to music can all boost your mood!
Walking in sunshine – bliss!

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