Real Life

Hugh Sheridan heads to Nepal in a desperate mission to find his brother after the devastating earthquake

Former Packed to the Rafters star Hugh Sheridan is heading to Nepal to find his little brother Zachary, who was expected to climb Mount Everest.
Hugh Sheridan’s brother Zach

In a desperate plea to find his missing brother, who has not been seen since Nepal’s deadly earthquake yesterday, Hugh Sheridan took to Instagram to tell his fans he will be heading to the tiny mountain nation to join the search efforts.

“Thank you everyone for your messages and your kind words. I’m on my way to Nepal now and will head toward base camp to try and find Zachary,” the actor penned.

“I will be with a small crew helping with a chopper, a dr and we will have a satellite phone available for any Australian there who needs to reach home and tell their loved ones they’re ok.”

Staying hopeful, the 29-year-old added: “I know so many of us are still waiting to hear but communication is down. Stay positive everyone, I feel optimistic that he is alive and stuck.”

As for any official comment from his mother, the Adelaide local revealed she isn’t ready to speak out yet.

“I know that the news have been eager to talk to my mum but it would be respectful to leave her alone at this time. My heart goes out to every family who is still waiting to hear, I can’t imagine how they feel at Mt Everest. I’m looking forward to seeing my little brother and getting him out safely.”

The caption was accompanied with a sprawling image of a mountain, which was in fact the last photograph Zachary had sent his brother.

“This was the last picture he sent me, he sure captured her beauty. #family #nepal #australia #speaklove.” Hugh said.

Hugh shared this picture on Instagram, the last Zachary had sent him.

18-year-old Zachary is among an estimated 200 missing Australian’s after the 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck, killing over 3200 people and triggering an avalanche on Mount Everest .

The Red Cross has set up a webpage of the missing persons including the missing Australians.

Anyone who has concerns regarding missing persons is advised to please get in touch or register through this site.

People needing consular assistance should contact DFAT on 1300 555 135 or on +61 6261 3305 for those overseas.

Our thoughts are with Hugh and all those who have been touched by this horrific disaster.

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