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Dr Phil accused of supplying addicts with drugs and alcohol for better television

One guest claims she was filmed looking for a dealer while pregnant.
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Philip McGraw is famous for interviews delving into deeply personal and often traumatic stories on his show, particularly the advice he doles out to those struggling with addiction and their families.

Former guests, however, have now made explosive claims the TV host supplied addicts with their vices to create more enthralling television.

Todd Herzog, winner of reality TV show Survivor: China, told STAT and Boston Globe while battling alcoholism, he was left alone with a bottle of vodka in his dressing room before his appearance.

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Herzog downed the bottle and says he was handed a Xanax to “calm his nerves” before he made it onset. He was so drunk during his appearance on Dr Phil in 2013, he was carried onto the set and lifted into a chair.

“I’ve never talked to a guest who was closer to death,” show host Phillip McGraw declared on camera.

Herzog isn’t the only guest to make similar claims. One family member said a guest purchased drugs after directions from the show’s staff while another guest, who was pregnant, said they were filmed looking for a dealer.

“You know, I get that it’s a television show and that they want to show the pain that I’m in,” Herzog told STAT and the Globe. “However, what would have happened if I died there? You know, that’s horrifying.”

The show has rejected the claims, with the show’s director of professional affairs telling STAT and the Globe guests have never been provided alcohol or directed to purchase drugs.

Now sober, Herzog concedes Dr Phil did help with his recovery.

“I’m grateful in a lot of ways for the show. For getting me help in the nicest places in the country. That’s a gift right there,” Herzog told STAT/the Globe.

“[But] there should not be litres of vodka in my dressing room.”

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