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Male call centre worker’s PERFECT response to being sent home for wearing shorts during heatwave

Not all heroes wear capes... Dresses seem to work too!
Man wears dress to work when sent home for wearing shorts

We often wonder how male city workers can cope with wearing suits during a heatwave (especially here in Australia!). And one defiant man has decided enough is enough and has called for equal rights in office dress codes.

Joey Barge is from Buckinghamshire in the UK. The UK is currently having a figurative and literal meltdown over a ‘heatwave’ and Joey was sent home from the call centre he works at for wearing shorts to the office.

The shorts in question were inoffensive and navy blue but his employer deemed them to be “inappropriate”.

Disgruntled Joey took to Twitter to bemoan the injustice of being sent home:

He pondered why women can wear skirts and dresses then bingo – he got the perfect solution to his dress code predicament. He’d wear women’s clothes in protest.

Which is actually kind of genius.

Joey went back to work wearing a bright pink “protest” dress.

The 20-year-old predicted he’d be sent home again but amazingly, his employer relented (perhaps smelling a tribunal!) and sent an email around the company saying men could wear three-quarter length shorts in “black, navy or beige only”.

Joey said of his victory: “They[his employers] said it[the dress] was a bit too colourful and asked if I wanted to go home and change because they were letting us wear shorts because of my “protest” – but I said I was happy to stay.”

Men of Australia, take note…

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