
Royal Wedding: The best moments you completely missed because you were probably weeping into your champers

Hands up if you're still just coming to terms with what happened on the weekend?
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It’s been labelled the most modern royal wedding in history.

And three days after Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s groundbreaking celebrations, we’ve re-watched the wedding more times than we care to share.

But after going over their magical ceremony with a fine-tooth comb, this self-appointed sleuth of Sussex has noticed SO many hilarious, heartwarming and down-right fascinating blink-and-you’ll-miss it details.

Keep reading to find out all the best moments you completely missed the first time around because you were too busy weeping into your champers!

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1. Meghan Markle DID curtsy to The Queen

It’s the million dollar question on everyone’s lips – Did Meghan Markle curtsy to The Queen on her wedding day?

As protocol dictates, all royal brides must curtsy to the Monarch and royal grooms have to nod their head as a sign of respect.

Meghan’s starring moment came after the congregation sung the national anthem God Save The Queen, however right as she curtsied the cameras sadly cut-away from the close-up shot and panned to an aerial view, and therefore viewers at home missed the moment.

So there you have it, it was a simple editing error.

WATCH: If you squint your eyes, you can see Prince Harry bob his head and Meghan Markle curtsy to The Queen! Post continues…

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2. They also paid a mark of respect to the monarch during the carriage ride

It was over in a flash, but if you closely re-watch the carriage ride procession you’ll see that as the horse-drawn carriage rides past Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip and other senior Royal Family members, Meghan bows her head and Prince Harry gives a salute in the direction of his grandmother.

Watch Meghan and Harry’s tribute to the Queen. Post continues…

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3. There were TWO kisses

If you thought their first kiss was a real-life fairy tale, feast your eyes on their second smooch!

During their carriage ride around Windsor town, the new Duke and Duchess of Sussex puckered up.

Behold! The second kiss in all its glory.

We’d be making out as much as possible too, tbh.

4. Nanny Maria Borello was there

When they arrived to the church, the bridal party were accompanied by their mothers up the stairs of St George’s Chapel but who looked after the kids during the ceremony?

Well, it turns out the royals called in the expertise of the Cambridge’s super-nanny Maria Borrallo.

It’s believed the “child whisperer” bribed the bridal party with smarties if they were well-behaved during the wedding.

Can you spot Nanny Maria? She’s overlooking the procession of children in the back right corner.

5. Jessica Mulroney had an unofficial bridesmaid moment

Meghan Markle decided against having a maid of honour by her side at the royal wedding simply because she had too many close girlfriends she couldn’t choose.

“She has a very close-knit circle of friends and she didn’t want to choose one over another,” a palace spokesman explained. “All have been actively involved in helping her prepare for the day and will be there in the days beforehand. She’s very happy to have their support.”

But that didn’t stop Meghan’s BFF Jessica Mulroney from having the bride’s back all day.

When Meghan walked into a private side room of the church to sign her marriage certificate, Jessica leapt to her feet to help the former Suits star with her long veil and train.

Watch the sweet moment unfold in the player below. Post continues…

READ MORE: Everything you need to know about Jessica Mulroney, the new Pippa Middleton of the 2018 Royal Wedding!

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A bestie’s work is never done! Jessica doted on Meghan all day.

6. Harry and William’s very un-prince like arrival

The Royal Family’s vintage car collection is a thing of beauty but keen not to make their wedding day too flashy, oftentimes corners were cut.

Did you notice Prince William and Prince Harry’s understated* arrival in a mini-van? Sure, it was still a Mercedes but when the lads jumped out of the people mover unassisted and commenced the “long walk” down to the church it was a rather refreshing sight to behold.

*Understated for the royal family!

Watch the beautiful brothers arrive. Post continues…

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7. The VERY knowing look when the minister mentioned kids

It’s no secret these two want to start a family asap!

And when the Dean of Windsor spoke about marriage being “the foundation of family life in which children are born and nurtured,” Prince Harry couldn’t contain his excitement as he shot Meghan Markle a smile as if to say “we’re on it!”

You can check out the heartwarming moment in the player below. Post continues…

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Babies on the brain: Prince Harry’s face when the minister mentioned kids!

8. This footage is simply not getting enough airtime

When Prince Harry and Meghan Markle emerged from Windsor Castle in their party outfits before they drove off into the distance in an electric E-type Jag, it was literally like something from a James Bond movie.

We could watch this clip on repeat til our eyes fall out…

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Is this real life?!

And they lived happily ever after

Want more on the Royal Wedding?

Be sure to get the special edition of Woman’s Day on sale Monday – relive the magical day with 16 pages of the most precious moments from Harry and Meghan’s wedding.

Plus look out for our dedicated souvenir issue on sale nationally on Thursday with the complete picture album!

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