
The full list of foods you should never feed your dog

No more chicken necks for you, Patches.
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Dogs take their job as man’s best friend very seriously, so it’s only fair that we take the responsibility of their care just as a seriously.

While your dog may love to chomp on a raw chicken neck as a treat, turns out you may be doing them more harm than good.

The University of Melbourne’s U-Vet Werribee Animal Hospital have found that raw chicken is a major risk factor of acute polyradiculoneuritis (APN), a very serious and fatal disease in dogs that leaves vets baffled.

Roughly comparably to Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) in humans, raw chicken increases the risk of developing the paralysing disease up-to 70 per cent.

Nine other foods that could kill your dog

Grapes: They’re known to cause kidney failure and can kill within three days.

Avocado: They contain a toxin called persin which can lead to an upset stomach, breathing problems and fluid build-up in the chest.

Chocolate: The caffeine and theobromine in chocolate is toxic to dogs and can cause death. The darker the chocolate, the more toxic it is.

Macadamia nuts: They can cause weakness or inability to walk, especially in hind legs.

Onions and garlic: Onions contain a compound that damages red bloods cells in dogs.

Apple cores: It’s the seeds that are poisonous to dogs and can induce seizures and even comas.

Bones: Bones can splinter and can become lodged or even puncture the digestive tracks.

Milk and cheese: Their sensitive tummies don’t produce the enzyme necessary to break down the lactose so too much can cause vomiting, diarrhoea and even digestive problems.

Yeast dough: If you’re a baker, don’t let your dog have any of your uncooked dough. It can cause painful bloating in their belly.

Don’t let your dog just eat anything.

(Image: Supplied)

Dr Katrina Warren’s tips on cooking up your own dog food

It can be difficult, but not impossible to cook up a completely balanced diet for your dog.

Remember, dogs are omnivores and require a mixture of proteins and carbohydrates.

I am not sure how old your dog is, but it would be best to discuss the nutritional requirements for the life stage of your dog with your vet, before you do all the cooking yourself.

Your dog will still need some hard food in the diet to help look after his teeth and gums— raw bones and dry food are good for this.

If you would like to try to get him to eat some dog food, I recommend the premium brands of dry food.

You could try mixing the dry food with some warm chicken broth or juice from cooked mince, as this will add some flavour.

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