Burns survivor Turia Pitt is an inspiration to all, and Australia has loved watching her resilience, confidence, and most of all, grow a family.
Turia, 35, welcomed her first son with her fiancé Michael Hoskin, Hakavai, in December 2017.
Her little boy was a blessing she named in honour of Turia’s mother and their Tahitian heritage, and his important name translates beautifully to ‘dance of the water.’
The poeticism imparted onto her firstborn was passed on to his brother, Rahiti, whose name translates to ‘sunrise.’
The mum-of-two’s parenting style is considered of the earth and filled with good-humoured admissions. However, she is also open about trials and anxieties she has weathered.
When Rahiti was born, Turia revealed on Instagram that while she was grateful to have two healthy sons, the change had its challenges.
“I’m overjoyed, delirious, sleep deprived and extremely emotional,” Turia confessed.
“Sometimes my mind will race ahead of me – I need to get the washing in, send that email, get Hakavai’s stuff ready for pre-school. I worry about how I’ll sleep tonight, and what tomorrow will be like if I don’t get enough (who am I kidding? Of course I won’t get enough). It’s exhausting,” she said.
“So, what do I do about it? I remind myself to stay in the moment. In THIS moment. I try not to get too caught up in the future, and all the things that need doing, and focus on what is happening right here and right now.”
As expected, Turia has a realistic but deeply encouraging approach when it comes to parenting.
Speaking with Mamamia, she expressed her desire to instil self-belief and resilience in her children.
“As a parent you want your kids to be happy,” she told the publication.
“But I know it’s not realistic that Hakavai is going to be happy all of the time, because of course he’s not going to always get picked for the sports team or maybe he’ll have his heart broken by a girl – all of these are very normal challenges we face.
“I really want to encourage him to grow self-belief and get that sense that if he puts his mind to something, he can make anything happen, and that was my hope behind the book.”
From breastfeeding for the first time to finding the time to slap on a bit of makeup, Turia posts her experiences as a mum with glimpses into the Hoksin-Pitt family life, plus gorgeous snaps of the adored bub – and we can’t get enough!
Keep scrolling to see all our favourite photos of Turia with her beautiful boys.

What a stunning family photo! Fiji provides the best back drop.

Turia got this beautiful snapped during a recent Fijian holiday

Magical moment at the waterfall


Love that Rahiti is a little blondie

They grow up way too fast!

Fun at the beach

Turia and Rahiti
We love a mother-son selfie.

Turia and sons
“After I had my boys, my life completely changed. In good ways! So many funny, wonderful, stressful, chaotic, and love-filled ways.”

Get in mum!

The mum of two made the most of some chilly weather by snuggling up on the couch with her boys.

Kisses for mama! Turia shared this sweet mother-son bonding moment as she called for support for victims of the Queensland and NSW floods.

Turia Pitt
Turia shared this adorable picture of her boys with a message about her experience as a single mother when her partner Michael got a job as a helicopter pilot in Queensland.
“He got the job on the Tuesday, and by the following Friday, he was in Cairns,” she explained. I stayed at home with the two boys. For six months.”
She continued to explain how she got through it with help, “Now, I was lucky. I had help from family, babysitters, the boys picked up a couple of extra days at childcare, and we ate pizza multiple nights a week.”
Turia made sure she was honest about the reality she faced and concluded her message by writing about one difficult moment she experienced with her sons.
“Still, at 2 am when Rahiti had woken up for the fourth time because he was teething or when Hakavai had a tantrum because I wouldn’t let him watch another episode of Rainbow Rangers, there was just me.”

Turia Pitt
“The summer style icon we need,” Turia gushed.

Turia Pitt
A throwback from when the family could go on regular overseas adventures.

Turia Pitt
For Rahiti’s birthday, Turia penned a loving message dedicated to her first year with him.
“It’s your first birthday. I have LOVED getting to know you this year. You’re chill, and cruisy, but you’re also strong. If you want something, you’ll get it, but usually, you don’t mind either way. Oh, and you eat so much food! You’re a beast! It’s good, because then you can hold your own with Hakavai. You have a beautiful energy about you. If you have a cuddle, and some food, you’re normally happy,” she wrote.

Turia Pitt
She posted this picture of herself and Rahiti alongside her first birthday tribute.

Turia Pitt
Turia’s youngest looks a little concerned about where the rest of his cookie went.

Turia Pitt
Rahiti looks just like his dad, and Hakavai is the spitting image of his mother.

Turia Pitt
The mother-of-two posted this picture of her breastfeeding Rahiti with her son Hakavai beside her.

Turia Pitt
The way she looks at her little boy is priceless.

Turia Pitt
“A few years ago, I bought tickets for Michael, Hakavai and I to go and see The Wiggles,” she captioned this snap.
“I’d been eagerly looking forward to the concert for months.
“Given the concert was in Sydney, a three hour drive from where we live, I booked a hotel. “That’ll be fun!” I thought.
“And this, dear reader, is where I was wrong.
“The trip was an unmitigated disaster.”

Turia and Hakavai
After Turia came back from surgery, she had one happy little face to return home to.

Turia and Hakavai
Post morning hill sprints.

Turia Michael and Hakavai
The Pitt-Hoskin family celebrated Michael’s first Father’s Day with lots of enthusiasm.

Turia Pitt
Turia loves to travel with her sons.

Turia Pitt
“Haki’s eyes are closed but at least I look good 😂.”

Turia Pitt
The family went to Alice Springs for a grounding holiday.

Turia and Hakavai
Flower power! Turia and her little boy make the ultimate tropical pair.

Turia and Hakavai swimming
Both mum and son love to get up close and personal with nature.

Turia and Hakavai selfie
Hakavai clearly loves a selfie.
Turia Hakavai selfie
“My son’s head is growing at an alarming exponential rate.” Too cute!

Turia Pitt
Turia explained how her son bravely faced his injury on her Instagram.
“Rahiti cut his hand on an oyster a few weeks ago. He needed surgery to make sure it was cleaned out and stitched up properly BUT he is all good and seems completely unperturbed by all the fuss and is out bushwalking /picking up sticks /investigating bushes like a seasoned pro,” she revealed.
Turia and Hakavai
That little face makes our hearts melt.
Turia Michael Hakavai
Splashing around: Hakavai isn’t the only water baby.
Captain Hakavai reporting for duty! It seems that her little boy has inherited her sense of adventure, with Hakavai hanging out in the cockpit of a plane – much to Turia’s hilarity. “I thought he was probably a bit young to fly the plane, but if the pilot thinks he’s good to go, why not let him have a crack, hey? Just relax down the back there, ok? He’s a smart kid, he’ll be fine!”

Turia Pitt
He may look like his dad at face value, but he has his mumma’s eyes.
Could they get any cuter?! Turia and Hakavai rug up to beat the winter chill – but not before they have a boogie in their loungeroom beforehand (see for yourself in the next video)…
Turia Pitt with baby Hakavai
Turia has pledged to only feed her little boy’s brain with the good/educational stuff – Dr Seuss!
Turia and Michael are proud as punch to be the loving parents to Havakai. So much so that even months without sleep can’t wipe the smile of Michael’s dial.

Turia Pitt
“I know it looks like my baby has a spray tan and a toupee, but I look too good in this pic not to share anyway 😂😂,” wrote the doting mum.

Becoming a parent for the first time is no walk in the park, and Turia will be the first to testify this fact. Taking to Instagram, the mum of seven-week-old Hakavai revealed just how challenging her transition into motherhood has been.
“Parenting is hard. I’ve got a baby that sleeps, a supportive partner, parents and in-laws on speed dial, heaps of mates who’ve had babies and I’m still finding it really challenging and exhausting,” she wrote alongside a picture of herself wearing a cat-ear headband.

Turia Pitt
The beach is exactly where you will find Turia and her family.

The new mum previously voiced her early breastfeeding struggles admitting, “We’re not experts (yet) but we’re definitely getting the hang of it.” By the looks of this gorgeous new photo, Turia and Hakavai are having a much easier time. Turia sweetly captioned the photo, “My love for you is illimitable.”

Turia Pitt
“About to leave for his first toga party. They grow up so fast! 😂,” she joked alongside this picture.

“Our most recent family portrait leaves a lot to be desired,” Turia captioned this cute snap of the trio together. First-time-dad Michael took the family seflie which showed a sleeping Hakavia in the background.

Then there were three! Turia captioned the beautiful family portrait: “Maybe it’s just the Christmas spirit, but geez we’re getting good at this angelic family photo thing. Merry Christmas y’all!”