
EXCLUSIVE: The incredibly sweet way Sam Wood speaks about Snezana’s daughter Eve will melt your heart

The Bachelor star also reveals why he refuses to be called her 'step-dad'.
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Sam Wood and Snezana Markoski have quickly cemented themselves as one of Australia’s most loved couples.

The pair, who met on The Bachelor in 2015, are not only gorgeous people, but have an insanely beautiful family to match, including Eve, 13, and Willow, 17 months.

This down-to-earth family are more at home “eating cereal on the couch” and spending time together outdoors rather than heading out to events like their Bachie counterparts; and it’s this wonderful family dynamic which sees them having thousands of fans watching their every move.

In an interview with Now to Love, in conjunction with his involvement with National Banana Day on May 1, Sam gushed about the girls in his life and revealed how their family dynamic has changed with the announcement of baby number two.

“We met under such ridiculous circumstances,” Sam admitted. “It was this crazy world which they [Snezana and Eve] uprooted everything and came to Melbourne to live with me, but now we’re this family.”

In fact, if you ask Sam about being a “great step-dad” to Eve (who is Snez’s daughter from a previous relationship), he is quick to clarify that not being related by blood has no impact on his close relationship with the teen.

“I never call myself Eve’s ‘step-dad’,” Sam revealed. “I am Eve’s dad. That’s how I feel. That’s how I act.”

Snezana, Eve, Willow and Sam Wood are your regular blended family. (Source: Instagram/SnezanaWood)

With the addition of Willow in October 2017, things have certainly been very different for the Woods.

“She’s naughty but she’s melt in your mouth cute,” he said of his daughter.

“She’s cheeky but she’s very switched on and smart.”

He added: “It’s funny, she just gets the occasion. When we laugh, she goes ‘hehe’ and we’re like, how do you get that that’s a joke?

“She also reads body language and is always part of the conversation and she just adores Eve.”

READ NEXT: The Bachelor’s Sam and Snez just revealed their new baby’s gender and it’s a…!

Eve and Willow are the perfect sibling duo. (Instagram/@samjameswood)

Since Willow came along, Sam admits that the new addition has been an adjustment for Eve.

“She’s pretty high maintenance,” he said of Willow. “But [Eve] loves being a big sister.”

He added: “It’s like it has made our family even more real.”

While Eve has taken being a role model like a duck to water, will Willow follow suit when she soon becomes a big sister?

“She points to Snez’s tummy and says ‘baby’ and she kisses Snez’s tummy and she just gets it,” he said.

“A big tummy and a baby are not the same thing, I get that, so time will tell how she’ll be.

“I’ve just got this house full of girls, nothing is gonna change. It’s just me and the dog representing the boys. But you know what? It’s such a nice place to come home.”

WATCH NEXT: The Bachelor’s Sam and Snez just revealed their new baby’s gender and it’s a…!

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In February, just three months after their picturesque Byron Bay wedding, the couple announced that they were expecting their second child together.

“We’re down to two baby names,” he revealed. “We knew immediately with Willow – it was one name and one name only, and we just agreed and it clicked.

But for this next baby, it hasn’t been so easy.

“We had a boy’s name, Kingston, but being a little girl, we’ve narrowed it down and maybe when it gets closer to the time, we’ll know.” he said.

“We’re really intrigued with this baby. Will they [Willow and the new bub] look the same?

“Ya know, Willow looks a lot like Evie. I think Snez has some pretty strong genes and I don’t think she’ll look crazily different.”

After the family shared this snap on social media, fans spotted Snez’s little bump and the family came clean. (Instagram/@samjameswood)

So while they wait for their new arrival, the family have been enjoying many precious moments together including a family trip to Port Douglas.

And in Sam’s eyes, the Woods are just your regular family, who enjoy walking the dog, watching TV and being active.

“I love working out with my family, and it’s such a great way to get the kids involved,” he said. “Getting them outside and starting those habits young.”

Most recently, the former Bachelor was an ambassador for National Banana Day, and was involved in a series of outdoor family workout events to help celebrate the day.

Sam and an adorable young companion at a National Banana Day event. (Source: Supplied)

So, why a “banana” ambassador, you may ask?

“People underestimate how good bananas are for you, how simple a healthy snack they are. They take up three percent of your daily intake and everybody loves them. You can put them in smoothies or just grab them as is.

“I love them, Snez loves them and the girls love them!”

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