As she settles into motherhood for the first time, The Bachelorette’s Becky Miles describes the journey as “the best thing (she’s) ever done”.
“I feel like I’ve really found myself in being a mum, but in saying that there’s definitely been those highs and lows that everyone talks about,” Becky tells Now To Love.
Certainly, the new mother’s pregnancy journey ended in a scary fashion when her daughter Billie, whom she shares with her partner James Bevitron. was delivered prematurely.

Billie was delivered prematurely.
(Image: Instagram)“I started having some bleeds at 30 weeks,” Becky explains of the moment she knew her first-born was arriving early.
“So, I was in and out of hospital for about three or four weeks, and then I was in hospital for the last week and my body just naturally started going into labour one day at 32 and a half weeks. I didn’t actually know that she was coming; they thought I was just having some Braxton Hicks contractions.
“But then fast forward 10 hours, they’re like: ‘Oh, you’re dilating. You’re going to be having bub today’.”
Due to the frightening circumstances surrounding Billie’s arrival, the first weeks of the baby’s life came with a lot of stresses for both Becky and James.
“She was in special care for about three weeks. That mum guilt of leaving her in hospital was pretty real. Even though I knew that we were very well looked after by the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) nurses.”

“That mum guilt of leaving her in hospital was pretty real,” Becky says.
(Image: Instagram)Then, of course, there is the exhaustion that accompanies caring for a new-born baby.
“But we’re finally starting to get our groove now,” Becky says. “Billie’s growing and she’s really surprised everyone. You wouldn’t know she’s a premy now. I’m just so proud of her, but also proud of my body for being able to do that with her.”
Of course, while Becky is a devoted mum, Billie’s dad James is just as proud and “obsessed” with his little one.
“He’s a very supportive partner and dad,” the Bachelorette alum tells us. “When we first came home, he was helping me with the feeds. He’d get up at 1:00 AM and do a bottle. He makes me a coffee every morning he’s just so obsessed with her.”
And then there’s her sister Elly, who appeared alongside Becky on The Bachelorette after starring on Matt Agnew’s season of The Bachelor.
WATCH: Becky Miles’ loved ones react to her pregnancy news. Article continues after video
According to the new mum, Elly thinks Billie is “the best thing since sliced bread”.
“I remember when I first told her that I was having Billie, she was like: ‘Oh my God, I’m going to be a real auntie!’. And she’s just so sweet with her. She actually looks after Billie every second fortnight.
“On a Thursday night, James and I will go out and will have date night and Elly will come to my house and look after Billie and she just sings to her and yeah, it’s all very sweet. We all end up singing, dancing around in the lounge room.”
It’s making memories like these that are essential to Becky and James as they enjoy every milestone with Billie.
In fact, just 15 minutes before our interview, James called Becky with incredibly exciting news.

Becky says her sister Elly is “so sweet” with her daughter Billie.
(Image: Instagram)“The one thing that I had been looking forward to was her laughing,” Becky tells Now To Love. “She’d been sort of laughing, but silent laughing and not really getting that real giggle out, but 15 minutes before you called James called and said ‘come here’ and he’s making her laugh. It was so cute.”
Many parents know that watching your firstborn reach these sweet milestones can re-activate some baby fever; And for Becky and James, more children are “definitely on the cards’.
“We have been flirting with the idea, and sort of saying: ‘Oh, should we have one like now?'” the new mother admits.
“But we’re renovating our house and we’ve got a mortgage now, so I think financially we’ll probably put that on hold for a little bit. But kids are definitely on the cards, but we’ll just enjoy Billie for now.”
Part of that enjoyment involves picking out a wardrobe for her little one. And now that the season is changing, Becky is keen to spruce up Billie’s wardrobe.
“Coming into spring, I’m so happy that we can leave those grays and the black sort of colours out the door. I love dressing Billie in paisley sort of prints. I got this really cute checkered top and butterfly cardigan from Big W’s new Dymples range.
“I also like to carry around a couple of spare blankets and wraps because when it does get quite hot they’re good to wrap over the pram to keep the sun out, or wrap her up to keep her warm when it’s a bit breezy in the park.”
Shop Big W’s new Dymples range right here.