
EXCLUSIVE: Sally Obermeder shares her health and wellness tips, family joy and goals for 2019

The Daily Edition star talks healthy eating, how her breast cancer diagnosis changed her and her goals for 2019.
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If you’ve ever stalked Sally Obermeder on Instagram like we have, you’ll see she’s bright, bubbly and loves creating delicious and nutritious dishes.

2018 marks six years since the Daily Edition host found out she was cancer-free after her breast cancer diagnosis in 2011. But Sally is getting stronger and healthier (both in her mind and body) every day.

And with her two daughters Annabelle, four and Elissa, two, who was born via surrogate in the US to look after, plus her business Swiish and TV hosting gig, Sally has a lot on her plate!

We chatted exclusively to the TV personality and mum-of-two about how her health has changed since her diagnosis, family life and what her goals for 2019.

Sally’s ready to bring on 2019! (Image: Instagram @sallyobermeder)

At 41-weeks pregnant, Sally discovered a breast lump the size of a tennis ball and was diagnosed with stage-three breast cancer.

Just days after giving birth to her eldest daughter, Annabelle, the TV personality endured 16 rounds of chemotherapy and two mastectomies, sharing her journey publicly.

But despite living a healthy lifestyle before her diagnosis, Sally admits that something did change after her ordeal.

“I was healthy before, there’s no doubt about that, but once I got sick and went through the treatments and surgeries and all of that, it basically meant that my bones, my energy, my skin, everything, my body had completely deteriorated to zero and what I had to do was rebuild from the ground up again.”

Sally had to rebuild her body from the ground up after her shock diagnosis. (Image: Getty Images)

“The thing that’s changed for me is the amount of green veggies I eat. I really understand now that realistically most of us don’t eat enough veggies and the quality of the veggies is not as good as it was 20 or 30 years ago which is why I will not start a day without the smoothies because you have to set yourself up right and if you can do one small thing and it will make such a big difference.

“Once I got a handle on how much the body needs, that I think changed everything.”

But there’s one particular ingredient that’s always in Sally’s fridge, and it may not be what you think.

It’s all about the veggies for Sally! (Image: Instagram @sallyobermeder)

“Cauliflower is one of the most underrated, versatile vegetables, I always have it,” she says.

“Then I can make a cauliflower rice with a garlic sauce with chicken tenderloins or I could use it in a smoothie which I do a lot or I could do cauliflower steaks with a beetroot hummus. I love cauliflower, not everyone in my family is on board with me but I’m mad for it.”

READ MORE: The one, very important reason why you should eat cauliflower tonight.

Sally’s also learned that there’s no reason to subscribe to fad diets and following the health trends that everyone else is doing.

“If you enjoy the food you eat and it tastes good, it doesn’t really matter what’s trendy at the moment. Life’s too short not to enjoy every single mouthful.”

“Life’s too short not to enjoy every single mouthful.” (Image: Instagram @sallyobermeder)

Sally’s day on a plate

“No two days are the same and mostly that’s because I’m a foodie and I eat based on my mood and what I feel like, but I do have some staples,” reveals Sally.

First up: Sally kicks off the day with her Super Green Super Food powder.

Breakfast: Smoothie with whatever fruit and veggies are available.

Sally adds, “The one I’m making at the moment is a guilt-free sticky date smoothie. It tastes like a sticky date pudding but it’s a green smoothie and it’s so delicious, I have it every morning. The kids love it too.” (Scroll down for the recipe)

Lunch: If it’s not leftovers from the night before, Sally loves a salad that’s big enough for two people with a bit of crunch and a dressing packed with flavour!

“Today I had red cabbage, tomato and cucumber salsa, goats cheese feta and pistachios.”

Afternoon pick me-up: After a coffee in the studio at 1.30, by 3.30 Sally is ready for another smoothie packed with frozen berries.

Dinner: Vegan chilli con carne, veggie curry, bolognese or something like oven-baked fish with onion and garlic.

READ MORE: Four tips to help you take charge of your health in the New Year.

Family life

It was during her pregnancy with her first daughter Annabelle that Sally received her cancer diagnosis. She was told that another natural pregnancy would be life-threatening but thanks to her previous IVF treatment, Sally had four embryos remaining and just needed a surrogate.

Due to strict surrogacy laws in Australia, Sally and Marcus journeyed to the States where they met Wisconsin mum Rachel who agreed to carry their child.

Fast forward to now and the family have celebrated daughter Elyssa’s second birthday, but regardless of the time of year, mum-of-two Sally still gets emotional and is always thankful for her miracle baby.

“I always look at her [Elyssa] and Mark and I always say how incredibly fortunate we are to have her and all the joy she’s brought into our lives,” says Sally.

“She’s an absolute bundle of energy and joy and sassy cheekiness. Every day I’m like ‘Wow this is the best thing we ever did.'”

How cute are Annabelle and Elyssa? (Image: Instagram @sallyobermeder)

Sally and Marcus are still in close contact with Rachel, their surrogate mum in the US too and have even begun to adopt some American traditions like Thanksgiving.

“I still speak to Rachel all the time and I think that bond will be there for life. It’s so deep and so unique and unlike any other relationship because who else has anyone ever been through something like that with? That’s something that’s very unique to our family and their family and we will be forever connected in that way, it’s very special.”

WATCH: Sally Obermeder introduces her surrogate, Rachel, on Sunday Night. Post continues after video…

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Sally’s goals for 2019

At the beginning of the year, Sally made a public vow to her husband Marcus to bring back the fun to their marriage. But like many New Year’s resolutions, they tend to get left behind after a couple of months when life gets in the way.

“It’s funny because it’s definitely been a much more fun year because I was a lot more aware that it’s hard when you’ve got young children, especially last year Elyssa was a newborn so I was very much in that newborn bubble,” says Sally.

“Things are a lot more fun this year but in 2019 my goal is to be better at that yet again because I still found with so many demands, you know, two kids, a job, a business, I think we all lead such full lives that sometimes it can all just get a bit overwhelming.”

2019 is all about self-care and enjoying what’s already there. (Image: Instagram @sallyobermeder)

Self-care has also been a top priority for Sally that she hopes to continue doing in the new year. In fact as the years go by, it’s more about enjoying what she has.

“I have to also look after myself much better in terms of having a break and saying no to things or having a massage or going for a walk or trying to take up meditation (that hasn’t quite worked yet) but I’ve tried, you know. Be kind to yourself, that’s my mantra.”

How to make Sally Obermeder’s guilt-free sticky date smoothie

1 cup vanilla almond milk

2 cups baby spinach

1 tsp almond butter

3 Medjool dates

½ frozen banana

½ cup cauliflower

Pinch of cinnamon (optional)

Using the Sunbeam High Performance Power Blender, blend all ingredients until smooth.

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