
These are the 6 uplifting mental health Instagram accounts you should follow ASAP

Social media can be used for the greater good.
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Did you know that around one million Aussies will deal with depression in any one year?

What about anxiety, you ask? That number sits at around 2 million.

These numbers have sadly been on the rise since Australia first plunged into coronavirus lockdown in 2020, and with millions of us still stuck inside, the pressure on our mental health is immense.

That’s why it’s important to find ways not only to improve our own mental wellbeing, but to open up the conversation about mental health as a whole.

And with so many people sharing their stories online, there’s no better place to start than Instagram.

We’ve pulled together a collection of the best mental health Instagram accounts to follow – and trust us, they’re certainly worth the likes.

For when you need to some Zen

Follow headspace (@headspace)

Never heard of headspace? And no, we’re not actually talking about the Australian National Youth Mental Health Foundation (but it’s important too).

This headspace is a mindfulness app that’s all about making the uber-Zen practice of meditation free, simple and readily accessible for, well, anyone anywhere.

The app’s Instagram page is loaded with cute and relatable images that sum up anxiety, stress and other emotions in a pretty nutshell, making it easier to approach the often intimidating topic of mental health.

It also has a handy ‘Try This’ highlight reel with suggestions to help you cope with stressful or negative thoughts right now.

For when you need a powerful pick-me-up

Follow Story of the Mind (@story.of.the.mind)

FACT: One in five Aussies have experienced mental illness at some point in their lives.

Story of the Mind celebrates these Australians by collecting and sharing stories of strength and empowerment from those living with a mental illness on social media.

While this Instagram account does NOT provide solicited professional advice for those suffering a mental health condition, it does bring people together to ensure that no-one ever feels alone in their mental health journey.

Plus, it shares gorgeous posts that you can re-post to your Instagram story to get the conversation around mental health started.

For when you need to know you’re not alone

Follow The Black Dog Institute (@blackdoginst)

Since 2002, The Black Dog Institute overview has been campaigning, fundraising and advocating for a mentally healthier Australia – and the proof is in their Instagram page.

Featuring affirmations that feel as though they were written personally for you, along with tips for easing the effects of everyday stressors, this is an account you’ll be tagging every man, woman and (black)dog in.

It also offers support through initiatives like free mental health webinars during lockdown.

For when you need mental health honesty

Follow Sad Girls Club (@sadgirlsclub)

Whether you’re experiencing a mental illness or are recovering from something traumatic in your life, you don’t have to shy away from opening up about what you’re going through.

That’s what Sad Girls Club preaches on Instagram, where the nonprofit organisation shows up for Black women and BIPOC struggling with all manner of challenges.

The reality is that Black women and BIPOC often deal with issues that aren’t fully understood by white creators, so it’s important to amplify their voices through accounts like this one.

For when you want to connect with people who just get it

Follow R U OK Day (@ruokday)

Sometimes it’s hard to put stress, anxiety or depression into words.

That’s why connecting with people who know what you’re going through is so important – which is exactly what R U OK Day‘s Instagram pledges to do. And it succeeds.

From sharing people’s emotional stories to giving you the prompts to ask someone else if they’re alright… as well as teaching you what to ask yourself.

And remember – sometimes just asking someone “Are you okay?” is the first step to supporting them in their own mental health journey.

For when you need something artsy

Follow Hannah Daisy @makedaisychains

This queer illustrator expresses her feelings about mental health, identity and all manner of things through her incredible artworks and comics.

She’s also a mental health occupational therapist, meaning she has the training and know-how to back up all of her inspiring and honest messages about coping with mental illness and other struggles.

“It’s great to have conversations and have people/communities around us who are understanding mental illness,” she wrote in a recent post.

If you, or someone you know, needs to talk to someone, call Lifeline on 13 11 44. Or, if it is an emergency and you’re experiencing a crisis, call 000 NOW.

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